OT- Will you go see movie "Snowden"?


Assistant Head Coach
Oct 12, 2004
I don't go to many movies but I think I will go see this one. As a conservative I am at odds with many people and believe he did reveal a government that over stepped big time. Imo I hope he gets a complete pardon and they change the "Espionage Act" to not include whistleblowers.

Why would anybody whistleblow on someone in the country doing illegal things if that government will charge you with Espionage? Defeats the entire purpose of the whistleblower act!
If I were to see it, I wouldnt post about it on the internet, or discuss it via any electronic communication, or buy my tickets with anything other than cash.

So I might see it but I might not.
No. I don't like security hacks of any kind. I don't care what the hack, even the emails that might cost the wicked witch an election, I disagree with. Ashley Madison hack, disagree with. Etc, etc. Someday it could be you, it could ruin you, and it doesn't have to be a nefarious hack. Maybe somebody hacks your financial information and ruins you, whatever. I'm just saying if you support hacks and leaks, you have forever forfeited your right to your own privacy and who doesn't have something they'd prefer the rest of the world not know? I really hate this crap and I would vote for the queen of mean, before I'd support anyone's right to hack and release personal emails and personal information as a whole. Remember the Ashley Madison hack? Some sheriff got busted having an account there and killed himself, now his two kids don't have a dad and a wife lost her husband. Worth it to expose a guy for some erotic emails? I think not.
No. I don't like security hacks of any kind. I don't care what the hack, even the emails that might cost the wicked witch an election, I disagree with. Ashley Madison hack, disagree with. Etc, etc. Someday it could be you, it could ruin you, and it doesn't have to be a nefarious hack. Maybe somebody hacks your financial information and ruins you, whatever. I'm just saying if you support hacks and leaks, you have forever forfeited your right to your own privacy and who doesn't have something they'd prefer the rest of the world not know? I really hate this crap and I would vote for the queen of mean, before I'd support anyone's right to hack and release personal emails and personal information as a whole. Remember the Ashley Madison hack? Some sheriff got busted having an account there and killed himself, now his two kids don't have a dad and a wife lost her husband. Worth it to expose a guy for some erotic emails? I think not.

I agree with you. He revealed the government hacking & storing ALL your personal info. So i guess im asking why you would dislike what he did? If something is unconstitutional why protect the government doing it? I firmly believe Snowden agrees with you that's why he did what he did. I'm not calling you out, I'm asking you don't you think he believes like you do? Thanks
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That sounds like the crazy person who kills the abortion doctor, because they think his job is about murder.
I agree with you. He revealed the government hacking & storing ALL your personal info. So i guess im asking why you would dislike what he did? If something is unconstitutional why protect the government doing it? I firmly believe Snowden agrees with you that's why he did what he did. I'm not calling you out, I'm asking you don't you think he believes like you do? Thanks
I agree. I was really torn about him in general. Yes, I believe releasing what he did to the media was treasonous, but I don't think he saw any other way out. His boss's boss's boss's boss was testifying to Congress that they did not spy on American citizens. So who is he to turn to to "whistleblow"? I think in a way, what he did was also worthy of heroism. It's just so complicated and that is why I plan to see the movie.

Now that said, I hope the movie doesn't simply show him as a hero without also exploring the mistakes he made along the way - which I think are many.
I'm not going to see it, but it has nothing to do with a political statement. I'd like to see it, and will probably get the Blu Ray someday or watch it on Netflix or whatever, but its just not a big enough movie to get me and the wife out of the house with the three kids going to my mom's or something.

We pretty much only go see the big Marvel movies in the theaters.
I don't go to many movies but I think I will go see this one. As a conservative I am at odds with many people and believe he did reveal a government that over stepped big time. Imo I hope he gets a complete pardon and they change the "Espionage Act" to not include whistleblowers.

Why would anybody whistleblow on someone in the country doing illegal things if that government will charge you with Espionage? Defeats the entire purpose of the whistleblower act!

The root divide (particularly among conservatives) is this:

Snowden outed the USG doing something bad. Snowden also outed a whole bunch of other unrelated stuff (a million plus documents).

These require competing responses. You can't hail him being a hero without forgiving a whole bunch of other stuff for which he'd normally catch ire (especially conservative pro defense ire). You can't flame the other stuff, without looking like you stand for an oppressive govt by saying he shouldn't have come out with any of it.

Where an individual falls, depends on how much credit they give for catching the USG, vs how much damage they think the rest of it did. Obviously this scale is internally defined.
I don't go to many movies but I think I will go see this one. As a conservative I am at odds with many people and believe he did reveal a government that over stepped big time. Imo I hope he gets a complete pardon and they change the "Espionage Act" to not include whistleblowers.

Why would anybody whistleblow on someone in the country doing illegal things if that government will charge you with Espionage? Defeats the entire purpose of the whistleblower act!

Nah, I already watched something on Netflix or HBO, can't remember. It was pretty good. The guy had a nice life he flipped upside down....not sure I would of had the balls. I'm glad he did.
I don't go to many movies but I think I will go see this one. As a conservative I am at odds with many people and believe he did reveal a government that over stepped big time. Imo I hope he gets a complete pardon and they change the "Espionage Act" to not include whistleblowers.

Why would anybody whistleblow on someone in the country doing illegal things if that government will charge you with Espionage? Defeats the entire purpose of the whistleblower act!

I'll see it on Netflix in a couple of years. I think he did a valuable service, we would never have known the NSA was breaking the law. To accept government surveillance is not a bridge I am willing to cross.
Interesting you guys think our gov't actually stopped doing this after Snowden. You really think anything has changed? Puhleese.
Was in a hotel this week, so got the USA Today. Their review said it was an uninspired and boring movie. So even if I did go to movies, I would probably pass on this one.

As far as the politics of it, they don't matter. He signed an agreement and held up his right hand pledging to keep classified info safe from "all enemies foreign and domestic." He should be returned to the US, prosecuted, and jailed for a long time or put to death. The US can't allow everyone with access to classified information deciding on his or her own what the public has the right to know. If the US allowed that, we might as well not have any secrets at all.
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Interesting you guys think our gov't actually stopped doing this after Snowden. You really think anything has changed? Puhleese.

No I don't but at least it puts the truth out there. My brother worked for the last 37 years for the DOD. He sent an email to his family back when we all were on Comuserve to watch what you put in email, that words are tagged. I responded "you mean like these" with a series of words like bomb, explode, etc. his only response was "not funny". So actually I'm sure we are still being monitored since we were monitored long before 9/11.
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I agree with you. He revealed the government hacking & storing ALL your personal info. So i guess im asking why you would dislike what he did? If something is unconstitutional why protect the government doing it? I firmly believe Snowden agrees with you that's why he did what he did. I'm not calling you out, I'm asking you don't you think he believes like you do? Thanks

Simple solution..... Don't be a bad person and do shit that will ruin you if exposed.

Lite you sound like you are ok with things as long as it "stays quiet". That is bit more troubling to me than exposing bad folks....