OT: When did you throw out your old trophies?


Assistant Head Coach
Sep 14, 2013
So I'm going through boxes of crap in the attic, and come across all my old trophies from being a kid. There are a few of the participation trophies in there as well, but others were legit. I notice many of them are broken, discolored, engravings missing etc. All of it went into the recycling bin. Tossing some of the trophies that I worked really hard for, was difficult, but in a way, I felt good about getting rid of that stuff.

I'm curious what others have done.. did you toss them years ago? or are you still holding on to them? Still saving your swim team ribbons?
I have kept every medal and or trophy from my mountain biking racing days (and some road bike racing) and will never throw them out. I even still have some of the t-shirts.
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I grew up in the 80's in a small town in Nebraska. Played baseball in the summers and "school" sports the rest of the year. Honestly, I don't remember there ever being trophies and/or medals for anything I did. I remember a guy I played football with in college had his state football championship medal hanging in his dorm room and we gave him a hard time for it.
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I kept nothing but the 1st place team trophies and individual post season awards or recognition.

I still have those in the family trophy room along with my wife's and kid's awards.
I have all of my medals from high school and when my old high school shut down I went to the last alumni meeting and picked up a lot of the track relay and team trophies that I was part of. I remembered the meets and only if I anchored and contributed significantly to the win did I take the trophy. I offered to share them with my classmates but no one wanted them. They are in a box im my house and haven't seen them for years.
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So I'm going through boxes of crap in the attic, and come across all my old trophies from being a kid. There are a few of the participation trophies in there as well, but others were legit. I notice many of them are broken, discolored, engravings missing etc. All of it went into the recycling bin. Tossing some of the trophies that I worked really hard for, was difficult, but in a way, I felt good about getting rid of that stuff.

I'm curious what others have done.. did you toss them years ago? or are you still holding on to them? Still saving your swim team ribbons?
I have all my trophies and medals from my athletic endeavors during my childhood through college in a box. I have no intention of ever getting rid of them. Not because I need to be reminded of whatever success I had; more for sentimental reasons. Two sports I excelled in had a special deep impact on my life in more ways than just winning; they were life changing events.
So I'm going through boxes of crap in the attic, and come across all my old trophies from being a kid. There are a few of the participation trophies in there as well, but others were legit. I notice many of them are broken, discolored, engravings missing etc. All of it went into the recycling bin. Tossing some of the trophies that I worked really hard for, was difficult, but in a way, I felt good about getting rid of that stuff.

I'm curious what others have done.. did you toss them years ago? or are you still holding on to them? Still saving your swim team ribbons?
I took off the engraving, but gave all trophies to Home for Boys, including metal bats, gloves, softballs and 1st,2nd,3rd bases, plus home plate.Rule books, too.It felt super to give to boys who made a mistake in life and now are going straight.
I have all of my track medals in a ziplock bag. My state medals are still separate. My dog is currently wearing on of them on his collar. He was too damn stealthy so I needed to add some jingle so I wouldnt step on him.
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So I'm going through boxes of crap in the attic, and come across all my old trophies from being a kid. There are a few of the participation trophies in there as well, but others were legit. I notice many of them are broken, discolored, engravings missing etc. All of it went into the recycling bin. Tossing some of the trophies that I worked really hard for, was difficult, but in a way, I felt good about getting rid of that stuff.

I'm curious what others have done.. did you toss them years ago? or are you still holding on to them? Still saving your swim team ribbons?

Did you say throw them out?

Mine are proudly displayed in the picture window of my home so that everyone driving by can see and admire my athletic accomplishments over the years. You just don't throw away bowling trophies...unreal. Winking
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Threw my youth trophies away a couple months ago when my mom brought them over. My individual athletic awards for high school are still floating around my dad's place in a box.

My step mom gave me my letter men's jacket and I don't have a clue what to do with it. I graduated in 2004 when I suppose it was still kind of cool to have one. I didn't have anything on it except for my school initials and my last name on it. No idea what to do with it.
Threw away all trophies years ago, but still have game balls from no hitters thrown.
Still have my 2nd place Punt, Pass, and Kick trophy from when I was ten years old in 1975. I got first place when I was 8 but that trophy fell off my dresser and broke probably a year after I won it.
Did you say throw them out?

Mine are proudly displayed in the picture window of my home so that everyone driving by can see and admire my athletic accomplishments over the years. You just don't throw away bowling trophies...unreal. Winking
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You mean the mythical participation trophies I'm told that I was given, but was not actually given? Or the sweet spelling bee trophy? The super cool show choir trophies stayed in the case at high school.
Still saving your swim team ribbons?

Ribbons for swim team? You mean medals right? :) My parents still have all of my medals from my youth (mostly state swim team medals from going to state meets in Oxford, NE and track stuff). One of my little brothers still has his 53 medals hanging on his old bedroom wall at my parent's house.

my parents have been begging me to pick mine up for the last 25 years.

Exactly. My mom has asked for the last 10 years when I will take them with me. Surely they will still be there until my parents pass away and we go through the leftover belongings to take our old things once and for all.

Threw away all trophies years ago, but still have game balls from no hitters thrown.

I didn't think it was possible to throw a no-hitter in tee-ball... :D
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I don't think any sort of trophies, ribbons, accolades, etc made it out of high school with me.

Come to think of it, when I switch desks at work, most of the accolades that I might get don't seem to follow me, everything that's mine generally fits into a plastic Target bag.
I've attached all of my medals to a Members Only jacket, which I wear in sub-zero temps to 100+ temps. They jingle so very nicely..

In reality, I lost all of my track medals in my mid-20s during a move. Not sure where they ended up.
I just can't see how I could ever part with the first place, church league, recreational division, volleyball bracket on poster board from last year. There are not many that can say they dominated at such a high level. Suck It Losers!
My son has won over 150 trophies in Taekwondo, Karate and Judo entering regional and national tournaments from coast to coast, as well as over 30 medals - and I have watched him win most of them. I have them displayed in our rec room for him and would never consider getting rid of them as they were won as a competitor and were quite an accomplishment. They are available to him anytime he wants them but I would never get rid of them.
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I have them displayed in our rec room for him and would never consider getting rid of them as they were won as a competitor and were quite an accomplishment. They are available to him anytime he wants them but I would never get rid of them.

As any good parent shouldn't!

Parents better always be proud of their kids' accomplishments.
My mom had a large trophy case in her basement and wanted to get rid of it. Made us either pick up our trophies or she was giving them to a charity. I kept the medals and first place trophies. Also grabbed the trophies my pops had from playing hoops all over the globe. Wish he was still around to ask him the stories behind them.
I've moved so many times over the years that all the trophies eventually got tossed in the regular possession culls. However, I will always keep the patches and ribbons from sports and science fairs, and my Indianapolis Derby cars from YMCA Indian Guides in Lincoln.