OT: This is a real thing?

Doesn't shock me at all. The south has a deep rooted heritage. I'm probably going to get hammered for this but I think that a lot of people are trying to get rid of everything that the South represented during that time & I think that is wrong. We should never forget things like that. A lot of people want to make it look like it never happened and that it should go away. IMO that is wrong. Do I think that those atrocities should be celebrated? NO. But at the same time we should learn from our mistakes and not try to make it look like it didn't happen.
Doesn't shock me at all. The south has a deep rooted heritage. I'm probably going to get hammered for this but I think that a lot of people are trying to get rid of everything that the South represented during that time & I think that is wrong. We should never forget things like that. A lot of people want to make it look like it never happened and that it should go away. IMO that is wrong. Do I think that those atrocities should be celebrated? NO. But at the same time we should learn from our mistakes and not try to make it look like it didn't happen.
100% agree with that. Let's not act like it was good, but let's not bury it either.

It was fascinating to me to walk around Savannah and see the historical plaques and sites that tell things from a more southern perspective. And not just the Civil War, that town got invaded pretty much every time the US got into a major conflict because it was such a strategic point and a crucial shipping port. In fact, that's where I learned where cobblestone streets actually come from. They were the ballast stones used in the ships, and they just left them there after they unloaded and reloaded because they didn't want a bunch of rocks. So the towns would pave with them.
Doesn't shock me at all. The south has a deep rooted heritage. I'm probably going to get hammered for this but I think that a lot of people are trying to get rid of everything that the South represented during that time & I think that is wrong. We should never forget things like that. A lot of people want to make it look like it never happened and that it should go away. IMO that is wrong. Do I think that those atrocities should be celebrated? NO. But at the same time we should learn from our mistakes and not try to make it look like it didn't happen.
This line of thinking is kind of how Lincoln was able to save the union.
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Doesn't shock me at all. The south has a deep rooted heritage. I'm probably going to get hammered for this but I think that a lot of people are trying to get rid of everything that the South represented during that time & I think that is wrong. We should never forget things like that. A lot of people want to make it look like it never happened and that it should go away. IMO that is wrong. Do I think that those atrocities should be celebrated? NO. But at the same time we should learn from our mistakes and not try to make it look like it didn't happen.
I'm not saying we shouldn't recognize the heritage of the south or even objectively the accomplishments of their military generals. A holiday/celebration for their army general however, in my opinion, is laughable. When is Ulysses S Grant Day? We don't even have an Abraham Lincoln Day; it's Presidents' Day.
I'm not saying we shouldn't recognize the heritage of the south or even objectively the accomplishments of their military generals. A holiday/celebration for their army general however, in my opinion, is laughable. When is Ulysses S Grant Day? We don't even have an Abraham Lincoln Day; it's Presidents' Day.
Last I checked Robert E. Lee day isn't a national holiday.
I'm not saying we shouldn't recognize the heritage of the south or even objectively the accomplishments of their military generals. A holiday/celebration for their army general however, in my opinion, is laughable. When is Ulysses S Grant Day? We don't even have an Abraham Lincoln Day; it's Presidents' Day.
Sparky=PresLincoln!!! Looks like you got a promotion Sparky, well done!
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Would you throw Palin out of the sack for eating crackers? That said why mess with mom when the daughter seems to be pretty easy and does not like birth control - get you some of that.
Would you throw Palin out of the sack for eating crackers? That said why mess with mom when the daughter seems to be pretty easy and does not like birth control - get you some of that.
Remember, I'm 55. I'll take mom in a heartbeat.
Yes many believe with out the South we dont win the revolutionary war, they were instrumental in defeating the British. Also most in the south were relatively poor farmers who didnt own slaves, only a small % of european christians in the south owned slaves. The history of the south is great to learn from and study, much of south settled by large groups of scoth irish who had lived a common culture for centuries and given us many great americans.
If you visit the Confederate museum and Jefferson Davis' mansion in Richmond, VA they will tell you all about "The War of Northern Aggression." Believe me, there's a certain segment of Southerners that will tell you they only "stopped fighting" (not surrendered) because they ran out of soldiers. And that's the ones that think the war is actually over...
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Doesn't shock me at all. The south has a deep rooted heritage. I'm probably going to get hammered for this but I think that a lot of people are trying to get rid of everything that the South represented during that time & I think that is wrong. We should never forget things like that. A lot of people want to make it look like it never happened and that it should go away. IMO that is wrong. Do I think that those atrocities should be celebrated? NO. But at the same time we should learn from our mistakes and not try to make it look like it didn't happen.
I would say most intelligent people would in fact say NEVER forget. But forgetting is far different from celebrating. To allow a confederate general to have a day named after him? Thats celebrating. Doubt they have Hitler day or even Rommel day in Germany. Doubt towns in Germany still fly Nazi flags at their town halls. We however have southern states that until very recently flew confederate flags at their capital buildings.
I get what you are saying Sparky about remembering and learning from the past. But I hate when people make excuses for all the veiled racism much of the south holds on to.
only a small % of european christians in the south owned slaves.
No. For example in Mississippi 49% of all white households were slave owning families. In the deep south Alabama had the lowest percentage of slave owning families at 35%.
Now Around the Horn discussing CFB as a modern form of slavery, wow!
No. For example in Mississippi 49% of all white households were slave owning families. In the deep south Alabama had the lowest percentage of slave owning families at 35%.
Dont wanna start a big debate on this but I said european christians I was not including jewish slaveholders as european christians, or free blacks who also held slave at much higher % than euro chrstians in the south,, very small % of european christians participated in slavery, slavery was big business and the vast majority of slaves went to different parts of the world, this had gone on long before the colonies had them and long time after, this was set up by african chieftians who delivered slaves straight to the slave ships, that was their business. The european christian did more to fight and end slavery that any other people on earth and participated far fewer than most. Now we can all agree slavery is a hideous institution and be glad are country ended it almost 200 years ago. So know reason for white guilt.
Dont wanna start a big debate on this but I said european christians I was not including jewish slaveholders as european christians, or free blacks who also held slave at much higher % than euro chrstians in the south,, very small % of european christians participated in slavery, slavery was big business and the vast majority of slaves went to different parts of the world, this had gone on long before the colonies had them and long time after, this was set up by african chieftians who delivered slaves straight to the slave ships, that was their business. The european christian did more to fight and end slavery that any other people on earth and participated far fewer than most. Now we can all agree slavery is a hideous institution and be glad are country ended it almost 200 years ago. So know reason for white guilt.
Dont wanna start a big debate on this but I said european christians I was not including jewish slaveholders as european christians, or free blacks who also held slave at much higher % than euro chrstians in the south,, very small % of european christians participated in slavery, slavery was big business and the vast majority of slaves went to different parts of the world, this had gone on long before the colonies had them and long time after, this was set up by african chieftians who delivered slaves straight to the slave ships, that was their business. The european christian did more to fight and end slavery that any other people on earth and participated far fewer than most. Now we can all agree slavery is a hideous institution and be glad are country ended it almost 200 years ago. So know reason for white guilt.
So the numbers for slave holding white families in the south are incredibly inflated because a small group of Jews and free blacks held slaves at a very high percentage while a very small percentage of "european chrstians" held slaves? You seriously believe that?

We are talking about the antebellum South. There weren't tons of Jews and free blacks running around. There certainly wasn't enough to move the needle greatly on the percentage of white slave holders.
I was born and for a time lived in the most segregated city in the U.S., Chicago. Dixie up north. Preach on concerning the righteousness of the Yanks. The North was signing the Irish & Scots up as they stepped off the boats. The North was victorious due in large part because of the Irish and Scots!:)

When I was transferred to NC., I became aware of the South's history & contribution to our American Revolution and the sadness of the War between the States. Brother against brother, family against family. For what? Nothing has changed, in fact, I believe things have gotten worse. I have no "white guilt," my parents taught me to judge people on their actions.

History cannot be changed, it happened. And Chicago's still the most segregated American city. :(
I was born and for a time lived in the most segregated city in the U.S., Chicago. Dixie up north. Preach on concerning the righteousness of the Yanks. The North was signing the Irish & Scots up as they stepped off the boats. The North was victorious due in large part because of the Irish and Scots!:)

When I was transferred to NC., I became aware of the South's history & contribution to our American Revolution and the sadness of the War between the States. Brother against brother, family against family. For what? Nothing has changed, in fact, I believe things have gotten worse. I have no "white guilt," my parents taught me to judge people on their actions.

History cannot be changed, it happened. And Chicago's still the most segregated American city. :(
War between the States huh? PR spin at its finest.
I was born and for a time lived in the most segregated city in the U.S., Chicago. Dixie up north. Preach on concerning the righteousness of the Yanks. The North was signing the Irish & Scots up as they stepped off the boats. The North was victorious due in large part because of the Irish and Scots!:)

When I was transferred to NC., I became aware of the South's history & contribution to our American Revolution and the sadness of the War between the States. Brother against brother, family against family. For what? Nothing has changed, in fact, I believe things have gotten worse. I have no "white guilt," my parents taught me to judge people on their actions.

History cannot be changed, it happened. And Chicago's still the most segregated American city. :(
I'm not advocating for any white guilt. It embarrasses me, however, that we have states and people in those states that think it's appropriate to celebrate the lives of "heroes" that were traitors to the United States.

I'm all for states' rights. We can argue until we're blue in the face about states rights. The simple fact of the matter is that slavery was THE lynch pin in the conflict. Without the institution of slavery the Civil War would never have happened.