OT The Don joins the field

How many times has he bankrupted his company? Does have sweet hair though...and a hot daughter.http://
They should just find out who the Koch Brothers' money is behind, and dispense with the rest of the "campaigning."
The Trump file
* Father becomes real estate mogul starting with critical depression era loan from the Federal Housing Administration and goes onto construct FHA housing for Naval servicemen.
* Father leaves the Donald a pile of money, but by the mid-80s he is underwater by five billion, but is bailed out by a consortium of banks.
Trump once sued a guy for libel for saying he's less rich than he claims, and lost bc it's true. Who says you can't sum a guy up in a tweet.
Please don't be disrespectful to anyone running for POTUS. However, the orangutan probably has a better chance of winning. If all of the money that will be spent between now and election day November 2016 were put to GOOD use this country (which I love) would be much better off.
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And by "they're", you mean ALL politicians right? Because I agree, it's comical that people think there is a difference between an R and a D once they get elected.

There was a huge difference before Citizens United destroyed any semblance of a democracy.
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The comedy is that people take this seriously enough to merit any type of discussion. Trump is a publicity ho
And by "they're", you mean ALL politicians right? Because I agree, it's comical that people think there is a difference between an R and a D once they get elected.

Hammer meets nail. The two party system is a joke. The R and D are paid off by the same people (ie. big banks, defense contractors, unions etc.),and thus work for those people. Whomever is elected works for the lobbyists that put them there not the average American.
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The same things get said every election. All candidates suck. Political parties only exist for themselves. Corporate interests etc etc etc.
But what can actually be done to change any of it at this point?
The same things get said every election. All candidates suck. Political parties only exist for themselves. Corporate interests etc etc etc.
But what can actually be done to change any of it at this point?
I'll tell you. You vote for a candidate who is above all the BS, who is all for limiting/reducing government. The last viable candidate was Ron Paul. If there isn't one, you absolutely do not vote.
The same things get said every election. All candidates suck. Political parties only exist for themselves. Corporate interests etc etc etc.
But what can actually be done to change any of it at this point?

I'll tell you what to do. Vote for Bernie Sanders.
He's a total clown but moreso than Hillary or Bush or whoever? Not when you really get down to it. He's just dumb enough to say what they are thinking lol.
Whats that say about the state of our country? With Hillary and Jeb Bush being the so-called front runners - mostly becasue of their family name. Its like hollywood and all the remakes of old movies - just add a II, III or IV to the end and print it.

Clinton II - Just when you thought it was safe to be an Intern again.
Bush III - Jeb goes to Washington - You can't make this crap up!

You'd think anyone with a pulse and some common sense could run away with this but the money won't outlast these two and we'll be stuck with nothing new for yet another 4-8 years.

And speaking of anyone with a we have enough candidates yet? Ridiculous how many pulses are throwing their hats in the ring.
unfortunately, and rather frightening, the country is still in a mode of "firsts". :(
Yes, and the "firsts" don't have a good track record so far...

Sadly, this has become a popularity contest because most voters don't take the time to really understand. "Hey, he seems cool because he played the sax on the Arsenio Hall show...I think I'll vote for him".
Yes, and the "firsts" don't have a good track record so far...

Sadly, this has become a popularity contest because most voters don't take the time to really understand. "Hey, he seems cool because he played the sax on the Arsenio Hall show...I think I'll vote for him".
Not only a popularity contest, but a popularity contest among the richest people who can essentially buy the nomination.
Voting for nobody accomplishes what exactly??
I usually vote 'third party' anyway, but i don't see that mattering much either.
The two party system owns the US and the fringe vote is accounted for in their calculus.
Even if by some freak circumstance, Sanders wins, then what?
What can he accomplish with the two parties controlling House and Senate?

True change needs a complete rejection of the two party system and to fill Washington with non-partisan/America-first thinking people.
I just don't see that happening anytime soon.
I will keep doing my part, but we are swimming backwards at this point until there is some sort of big cultural shift. That requires a spark of some sort.
Voting for nobody accomplishes what exactly??
I usually vote 'third party' anyway, but i don't see that mattering much either.
The two party system owns the US and the fringe vote is accounted for in their calculus.
Even if by some freak circumstance, Sanders wins, then what?
What can he accomplish with the two parties controlling House and Senate?

True change needs a complete rejection of the two party system and to fill Washington with non-partisan/America-first thinking people.
I just don't see that happening anytime soon.
I will keep doing my part, but we are swimming backwards at this point until there is some sort of big cultural shift. That requires a spark of some sort.
I completely agree with all of this except the vote regardless suggestion. The lesser of two evils=still evil.
Voting for nobody accomplishes what exactly??
I usually vote 'third party' anyway, but i don't see that mattering much either.
The two party system owns the US and the fringe vote is accounted for in their calculus.
Even if by some freak circumstance, Sanders wins, then what?
What can he accomplish with the two parties controlling House and Senate?

True change needs a complete rejection of the two party system and to fill Washington with non-partisan/America-first thinking people.
I just don't see that happening anytime soon.
I will keep doing my part, but we are swimming backwards at this point until there is some sort of big cultural shift. That requires a spark of some sort.

Good post, and you're right, the actual power the President has, in most cases, is quite limited. Congress is just going to bicker and not pass anything anyways.

In reality, the United States is run by Corporations. It's not really a representative democracy anymore and hasn't been for some time, this voting stuff is just kinda for show.

Corporations give to both parties, as do industry lobbyists, so the only real way to remove corporate influence, is to remove money from the equation, and that's not going to happen.

In fact, Capitalism itself, has kind of turned into this huge entity, so large, that no one can really control it. It's all about money.

Good post, and you're right, the actual power the President has, in most cases, is quite limited. Congress is just going to bicker and not pass anything anyways.

In reality, the United States is run by Corporations. It's not really a representative democracy anymore and hasn't been for some time, this voting stuff is just kinda for show.

Corporations give to both parties, as do industry lobbyists, so the only real way to remove corporate influence, is to remove money from the equation, and that's not going to happen.

In fact, Capitalism itself, has kind of turned into this huge entity, so large, that no one can really control it. It's all about money.

So true.
And if the US is really run by corporations, then drastically downsize government and get out of the way.
Still havent seen his birth certificate claiming he definitely is NOT the love child of his mom and an orangutan.

Good Lord, did someone just rub a balloon on his head, or was he struck by lightning shortly after this pic was snapped?

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