OT: Sasse Unloads

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I now suspect the $70K he listed on his tax return for his hair care last year was probably really for Halloween candy for all the kiddies. Accountants can get confused when your tax return is like 10,00 pages.

He paid 1.2 million in taxes in 2016 and 4 million in 2017. It was deferred for future taxes owed.

The media lies to you.
Excuse me! Really I believe it was a white republican who freed the slaves I believe it was white republicans who passed the civil rights act. Your parents should ask for a refund of your public education

What have they have done in the past 50 years besides introduce crack into the black community.
Excuse me! Really I believe it was a white republican who freed the slaves I believe it was white republicans who passed the civil rights act. Your parents should ask for a refund of your public education

And white democrats who enslaved Africans first thru fiat, then jim crow laws, then welfare ghettos. To the point Joe Biden said "you ain't black if you don't vote for me." Only someone who thinks of a certain demographic as their personal property would say that.
Did I mention they founded the KKK as a paramilitary wing of their party, and interned Americans of Japanese heritage and segregated black Americans in WW2.
I seem to remember a white republican sending the national guard to Little Rock Arkansas. Something that hadn't happened since the end of the civil war.
As recently as 2010 the President of the senate was a Democrat and former Klan leader. The republicans rejected David Duke, the Democrats made "their" KKK member the leader of the Senate.
Republicans have been pushing for actual color-blindness and the weak minded confuse MLKjr's dream of a color-blind society with racism. It's not racism, it's enlightenment. Identity politics is division. And the people screaming the loudest about how bothered they are regarding division, are the ones pushing identity politics.

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And white democrats who enslaved Africans first thru fiat, then jim crow laws, then welfare ghettos. To the point Joe Biden said "you ain't black if you don't vote for me." Only someone who thinks of a certain demographic as their personal property would say that.
Did I mention they founded the KKK as a paramilitary wing of their party, and interned Americans of Japanese heritage and segregated black Americans in WW2.
I seem to remember a white republican sending the national guard to Little Rock Arkansas. Something that hadn't happened since the end of the civil war.
As recently as 2010 the President of the senate was a Democrat and former Klan leader. The republicans rejected David Duke, the Democrats made "their" KKK member the leader of the Senate.
Republicans have been pushing for actual color-blindness and the weak minded confuse MLKjr's dream of a color-blind society with racism. It's not racism, it's enlightenment. Identity politics is division. And the people screaming the loudest about how bothered they are regarding division, are the ones pushing identity politics.

So who in the Republican party went into the black communty and said that? What legislation did they pass? Right now we know crack was streamed into the black community under a Republican administration

Best I know is Rand Paul.
And white democrats who enslaved Africans first thru fiat, then jim crow laws, then welfare ghettos. To the point Joe Biden said "you ain't black if you don't vote for me." Only someone who thinks of a certain demographic as their personal property would say that.
Did I mention they founded the KKK as a paramilitary wing of their party, and interned Americans of Japanese heritage and segregated black Americans in WW2.
I seem to remember a white republican sending the national guard to Little Rock Arkansas. Something that hadn't happened since the end of the civil war.
As recently as 2010 the President of the senate was a Democrat and former Klan leader. The republicans rejected David Duke, the Democrats made "their" KKK member the leader of the Senate.
Republicans have been pushing for actual color-blindness and the weak minded confuse MLKjr's dream of a color-blind society with racism. It's not racism, it's enlightenment. Identity politics is division. And the people screaming the loudest about how bothered they are regarding division, are the ones pushing identity politics.

There is definitely a dark history with the Democratic Party, but you left out the Dixiecrats and the massive shift of the southern Democrats to the Republican Party. Since the 60’s and 70’s the Republican Party has courted and leveraged the south and their history to try to stay relevant nationally.

The dog whistles of states rights, traditional “values” and small government are nothing more than the unabashed wooing of the racist, degenerate group that has infiltrated the Republican Party. Remind me which Parties policies currently have the approval and votes of white supremacists? Which party has a president echoing the words of segregationists? Threatening that suburbs will be overrun if he’s not elected? Asking them to stand down and stand by?

Here are the published words of a Nixon strategist.

“From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.”
This man‘s ideas & the stroke of a pen destroyed the black family, they never recovered.
You do realize that the supposed being presidential like went out the door with lbj? You realize the leftist you support make fun of you at Their private parties behind closed doors. The media never gave president trump any respect because he beat the chosen one Hillary Clinton. When you say compromise you mean it if the go along with what the democrats agenda. I didn’t vote for trump to be a choir boy. if you like to hunt or even sport shooting you better hope trump wins again because the second amendment will be gone with the Biden Harris administration. You must have led a sheltered life if you’ve never ran across a brash individual like president Trump
I have had encounters with ass hat, never physcically worked a hard day in their lives, disrespectful pieces of crap like Trump. And I have no problem calling them on their brash and arrogant bullshit. I have led anything but a sheltered life. I wonder if Trump has ever been in a physical confrontation? I mean he single handiedly got B1G football back but has he ever went thru a grueling two hour workout....... He doesn't strike me as someone who has had his nose bloodied or had his ass handed to him. Maybe by a porn star, maybe...

No one is taking my guns away, or yours either. Is that the platform of the dumbocrats? News to me. Overturning the second amendment in one term? That is a serious scare tactic you have bought into! I hunt a half dozen different seasons and protect my home/property with gun powder and bear spray. There is zero chance of normal people with normal guns losing them in the foreseeable future. But having a real conversation about reducing mass shootings is an ok thing, unless you think that they are ok? And when I say compromise I mean somewhere in the middle, so that might include some ideas from both sides. If you voted for Trump you are not a choir boy, but hopefully you don't respect most of his values and morals. You are welcome to support many of his policies and I am good with that... If you genuinely respect him as a human being, then you and I probably won't be able to do more than exchange pleasantries in passing with anything other than Husker sports and Meridian news.

Trump doesn't make fun of me behind closed doors? My free lunches and cancer and student loans and my special needs child and my golf stroke and my wife who had perfectly awesome breasts cut off which would no longer meet his standards? Me making ten times more a year than my mom when I was growing up but still needing to work a second job to make ends meet and help my extended family out? My mask that I wear at work and me avoiding large gatherings? Sorry, but Trump and his party supporters are making fun of me and my family. Trump absolutely has no idea how the average American lives and his policies and attitude show this.

I don't give Trump and his brashness any respect because I don't believe he has earned any. Sasse calling Trump bad for the Republican Party elevated my stance on his politics, because he is actually correct. I am hopeful that the Red party finds a new leader and restores integrity to their respectful platform.
It's worth noting that Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter were very nice and moral men and yet highly ineffective presidents. I'll take the guy who fights.
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Unfortunately Sasse is essentially running unopposed. Hopefully he runs for POTUS in 2024 gets embarassed by DeSantis and/or Abbott and leaves public life all together.
Wrong again thats direct from the dem/socialist party keep them down but offer them just enough so they keep voting for them
Telling a group of people what their problems are, and then telling to just pull themselves up by their bootstraps, followed up with a strong lecture about why they're stupid to vote a certain way, doesn't seem to be a winning message.

It's also physically impossible for one to pull themselves up with their bootstraps. Dumbest slogan ever invented.

You might want to try actually talking to the black community, both in the ghetto and the middle and upper class suburbs, and find out why they overwhelmingly vote Democrat---and leave out the condescending tone.

Elijah Cummings old district, the Maryland 7th, is a place where black median household incomes are in the 61st percentile of ALL median household incomes in the US. And that's with a very rough part of Baltimore located within it. Somehow, despite largely not receiving handouts, those folks are still voting Democrat. Maybe find out why, instead of assuming it's for the handouts, and calling them stupid.
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I have had encounters with ass hat, never physcically worked a hard day in their lives, disrespectful pieces of crap like Trump. And I have no problem calling them on their brash and arrogant bullshit. I have led anything but a sheltered life. I wonder if Trump has ever been in a physical confrontation? I mean he single handiedly got B1G football back but has he ever went thru a grueling two hour workout....... He doesn't strike me as someone who has had his nose bloodied or had his ass handed to him. Maybe by a porn star, maybe...

No one is taking my guns away, or yours either. Is that the platform of the dumbocrats? News to me. Overturning the second amendment in one term? That is a serious scare tactic you have bought into! I hunt a half dozen different seasons and protect my home/property with gun powder and bear spray. There is zero chance of normal people with normal guns losing them in the foreseeable future. But having a real conversation about reducing mass shootings is an ok thing, unless you think that they are ok? And when I say compromise I mean somewhere in the middle, so that might include some ideas from both sides. If you voted for Trump you are not a choir boy, but hopefully you don't respect most of his values and morals. You are welcome to support many of his policies and I am good with that... If you genuinely respect him as a human being, then you and I probably won't be able to do more than exchange pleasantries in passing with anything other than Husker sports and Meridian news.

Trump doesn't make fun of me behind closed doors? My free lunches and cancer and student loans and my special needs child and my golf stroke and my wife who had perfectly awesome breasts cut off which would no longer meet his standards? Me making ten times more a year than my mom when I was growing up but still needing to work a second job to make ends meet and help my extended family out? My mask that I wear at work and me avoiding large gatherings? Sorry, but Trump and his party supporters are making fun of me and my family. Trump absolutely has no idea how the average American lives and his policies and attitude show this.

I don't give Trump and his brashness any respect because I don't believe he has earned any. Sasse calling Trump bad for the Republican Party elevated my stance on his politics, because he is actually correct. I am hopeful that the Red party finds a new leader and restores integrity to their respectful platform.
You keep believe that the democrats aren’t coming for your guns! I don’t make fun of you but you are misguided on trump not knowing what the average Americans lives imo he’s the only president that has. Sadly the public school system has failed when I was going and graduated I was taught socialism and communism was bad and what 8 years later you seem to be embracing it. I think for myself i don’t have a teacher union dictating how I think and vote. And it’s pretty sad that you have a problem whom I support I thought that what this country was all about the great melting pot but it your party and people that are unhinged, you supposed Obama I didn’t but I didn’t piss and moan about it for 8 years i lived my life so go embrace antifa I highly doubt you and I will ever cross paths, one last think I suppose you’ll be happy when the democrats close down the churches for good in the name of public safety
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I voted for him because he is the better of two evils. If a Republican ever challenges him, I will vote the other way!
I’m not a Sasse fan. He’s a typical pompous Politician. Hope he gets Lee Terry’d out and we have a better representative soon. It’s 50/50 when he opens his mouth if it’s cringe worthy or not.
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Telling a group of people what their problems are, and then telling to just pull themselves up by their bootstraps, followed up with a strong lecture about why they're stupid to vote a certain way, doesn't seem to be a winning message.

It's also physically impossible for one to pull themselves up with their bootstraps. Dumbest slogan ever invented.

You might want to try actually talking to the black community, both in the ghetto and the middle and upper class suburbs, and find out why they overwhelmingly vote Democrat---and leave out the condescending tone.

Elijah Cummings old district, the Maryland 7th, is a place where black median household incomes are in the 61st percentile of ALL median household incomes in the US. And that's with a very rough part of Baltimore located within it. Somehow, despite largely not receiving handouts, those folks are still voting Democrat. Maybe find out why, instead of assuming it's for the handouts, and calling them stupid.
My favorite was Jack Kemp saying of Reaganomics that "a rising tide lifts all boats." Sounds awesome until you realize that you have to have a boat first.
My favorite was Jack Kemp saying of Reaganomics that "a rising tide lifts all boats." Sounds awesome until you realize that you have to have a boat first.

If ya have a brain and work ethic you can build yourself a boat ... or if you don't have those things you can stick your hand out and tell people they should give you one
He might pull it out, but 2016 was the 4th closest election since and including 1960. I somehow doubt this will be a landslide.

He’s not going to pull it out. Anything is possible but this race has been incredibly stable and he can’t win unless he peels away Biden voters and he’s not even trying. It’s just red meat for his base all day every day. That’s a losing strategy when you’re opponent is polling above 50%.
Trump will win in a landslide. You've got three weeks to prepare your excuses. Better get crackin'.
Do you mean he'll "win" after losing by 3,000,000 votes. Just like last time? I would hardly call that a landslide. I just call it gerrymandering.
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Senator Ben Sasse is a capable person, and has made some positive insightful contributions to the nation's political discourse. That said, he is a "diva" at this time in his political carreer. To me he is cut from the mold of Bob Kerry and Daniel Patrick Moynahan. It seems the Sasse will have to decide if he wants to be a leading statesmen in the U.S. and Nebraska, or an immature grand stander. I hope, with his abilities it is the former.
If ya have a brain and work ethic you can build yourself a boat ... or if you don't have those things you can stick your hand out and tell people they should give you one
So you're saying we should give everyone access to quality education so they can build their own boats. I agree.
There is definitely a dark history with the Democratic Party, but you left out the Dixiecrats and the massive shift of the southern Democrats to the Republican Party. Since the 60’s and 70’s the Republican Party has courted and leveraged the south and their history to try to stay relevant nationally.

The dog whistles of states rights, traditional “values” and small government are nothing more than the unabashed wooing of the racist, degenerate group that has infiltrated the Republican Party. Remind me which Parties policies currently have the approval and votes of white supremacists? Which party has a president echoing the words of segregationists? Threatening that suburbs will be overrun if he’s not elected? Asking them to stand down and stand by?

Here are the published words of a Nixon strategist.

“From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.”


Response by Carol Swain to Kevin Kruse

"Professor Kruse’s criticism deserves a response and so do Prager University subscribers. After carefully reviewing his data and its claims, I stand behind the substantive message of my Prager University video. I will, however, concede the need to make a small correction about the date of President Eisenhower’s deployment of the 101st Airborne to Little Rock Arkansas to enforce desegregation, the deployment of troops occurred after the 1956 elections in which Eisenhower expanded his 1952 support in southern states."
But the Donald never does. Right.

Besides I was simply making fun of how he spent $70K on his ridiculous hair. I can understand why he'd want to write that off as a bad investment.

You've got to have $70K to be able to spend on hair before you can even attempt to write it off. Jealous?
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New Hampshire
maybe Oregon

He loses nothing. The polls by MSM and left leaning groups mean nothing. Hillary was cruising along with an 11 point lead 4 years ago. I stand by my landslide prediction. The cries for popular vote will be stronger than ever.

We all live in our echo-chamber so I try to go out to more right leaning publications like Real Clear Politics. RCP nailed the 2016 election, or at least was the most accurate predictor as they lean right and caught a lot of Trump supporters in the upper midwest in their polls. Right now they have Biden up by +9. Even if you give every battleground state that Biden is leading by <3 to Trump...Biden still wins. If Biden wins it will not be an upset, or due to cheating, it is a predictable outcome based on this particularly bad election year. It might not be fair to blame Trump for 2020, but the buck stops at the president. On a bright side, Trump will likely run against in 2024, and there is zero chance that Biden will be reelected or even run again. This decade is going to be absolute mess, lets just hope Apophis doesn't close it out with a bang.
We all live in our echo-chamber so I try to go out to more right leaning publications like Real Clear Politics. RCP nailed the 2016 election, or at least was the most accurate predictor as they lean right and caught a lot of Trump supporters in the upper midwest in their polls. Right now they have Biden up by +9. Even if you give every battleground state that Biden is leading by <3 to Trump...Biden still wins. If Biden wins it will not be an upset, or due to cheating, it is a predictable outcome based on this particularly bad election year. It might not be fair to blame Trump for 2020, but the buck stops at the president. On a bright side, Trump will likely run against in 2024, and there is zero chance that Biden will be reelected or even run again. This decade is going to be absolute mess, lets just hope Apophis doesn't close it out with a bang.
There is a solid chance neither will be alive in 2024
We all live in our echo-chamber so I try to go out to more right leaning publications like Real Clear Politics. RCP nailed the 2016 election, or at least was the most accurate predictor as they lean right and caught a lot of Trump supporters in the upper midwest in their polls. Right now they have Biden up by +9. Even if you give every battleground state that Biden is leading by <3 to Trump...Biden still wins. If Biden wins it will not be an upset, or due to cheating, it is a predictable outcome based on this particularly bad election year. It might not be fair to blame Trump for 2020, but the buck stops at the president. On a bright side, Trump will likely run against in 2024, and there is zero chance that Biden will be reelected or even run again. This decade is going to be absolute mess, lets just hope Apophis doesn't close it out with a bang.

Actually, Robert Cahaly of Trafalgar Group nailed it in 2016, according to Real Clear Politics. Pollster Who Got It Right in 2016 Does It Again

Trafalgar Groups latest shows Trump leading in MI, FL, LA, AZ (+5), OH, MO, NC, TX, GA. He is -3 in WI and -2 PA (within the margin of error). If he manages to pull-in PA and WI it would be four more years. Trump lead WI back in June show it could be a toss up.
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Bakery in PA in a very historically blue district is selling Biden and Trump frosted cookies....says she Trump cookies are outselling the Biden cookies 3-1.

Good enough for me.
No chance in hell Mr. I'm banning fracking. Im not banning? I don't know what I'm running for Biden is winning PA. Or Ohio. Or any other state that relies on fossil fuels. 4 more years!!
during a telephone townhall with Nebraskans.

Sasse, who is cruising toward re-election, said Trump:
  • refused to take the pandemic seriously
  • treated the pandemic as a news cycle PR crisis
  • "Kisses dictator's butts"
  • "mocks evangelicals behind closed doors"
  • "regularly sells out our allies"
  • "flirted with white supremacists"
  • "has treated the presidency like a business opportunity"
“I’m now looking at the possibility of a Republican bloodbath in the Senate, and that’s why I’ve never been on the Trump train,” he said. “It’s why I didn’t agree to be on his reelection committee, and it’s why I’m not campaigning for him.”

Ben really needs to do two things, IMO. 1) Keep voting Trump's agenda and 2) Get over himself and the fact that Trump is not concerned, and never will be concerned about being a polished statesman.
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