OT: OPS fall in the spring?


Defensive Coordinator
Mar 8, 2002
The district is looking to do both sports seasons together. Dual participation waiver included. Thoughts?
This idea is ridiculous.....Explain again why they can't be playing now?

Oh yes, that's right, she didn't think the coaches could keep their players distanced enough (even though all other districts' coaches doing fine!). DIDN'T EVEN GIVE THEM THE CHANCE!

Logan pissed off a ton of the OPS coaches, parents and students and did not get any input from them in the process. My son included...

The idea of fall sports in the spring just shows how out of touch she is...A ton of coaches coach both spring and fall, and same with players.

Let them play now, Logan!!
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burke and omaha north's entire teams already transferred

logan is too busy huffing her own gas to care about what's best for the kids
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