Funny how people never complain about fencing THEIR Property but if it is going up on the Border, you are a racist.
Careful, Libs gonna label you, Hater.
Regarding YOUR cost.... seems pretty reasonable.
Funny how people never complain about fencing THEIR Property but if it is going up on the Border, you are a racist.
Careful, Libs gonna label you, Hater.
Regarding YOUR cost.... seems pretty reasonable.
Unless you're required to have wooden fence, I'd replace with chain link. Constantly seeing wooden fences blown over around here, meanwhile my parents still have the same 6' chain link fence they've had for at least 35 years...I need about 140' of board on board fence replaced with 2 gates. Any idea of what kind of money i'm looking at? In Omaha.
Unless you're required to have wooden fence, I'd replace with chain link. Constantly seeing wooden fences blown over around here, meanwhile my parents still have the same 6' chain link fence they've had for at least 35 years...
Probably some nice products in the plastic-made-to-look-like-wood arena now, but that still doesn't solve the physics of how high winds have way more surface area to push against with a wood fence than with chain link.Not only that but the wood ones NEVER look as good as the day they are built. Lots of maintenance expense and then who cares for the other side when time to stain that as well.
I'm one of those elitists who went to college so I think I'm better than "real Americans."physics...careful that sounds like a pretty liberal topic
That's a solution I had not considered yet. Rather than replace the fence, you should be able to VERY cheaply paint the words, "Trespassers Will Be Shot" on a board and it's my understanding that's all you will need.damn you and your fancy elitist thinkin. Don't you know that TNT, guns, & duct tape can solve dam near every dilemma a man can face (including new fencing)?