Oregon Co-OC arrested for DUI last night

Yep he's going to be terminated. What an odd start to the new regime up there - multiple players hospitalized and now a DUI.
Just sharing what news is out there. It's not a good start to Taggart's regime so will be interesting to see if this has a negative impact to recruiting this year or next.
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It's up to the powers that be at Oregon to decide how to proceed. I can see both sides, on the one hand it's bad PR and the coach is supposed to mentor young people. On the other hand, there are very few jobs where this would be a fireable offense and once someone is an adult who they become is up to them more than the people around them; the players aren't five year olds. I was fine with how Riley handled the KW situation and I would have been fine if he had handled it differently. So basically, I just wrote this to say I have no strong opinion, and if you have read this far I probably owe you an apology for wasting your time. One will not be forthcoming, as I am too lazy to type it, but not to lazy to type this explanation of why I do not apologize.
It's up to the powers that be at Oregon to decide how to proceed. I can see both sides, on the one hand it's bad PR and the coach is supposed to mentor young people. On the other hand, there are very few jobs where this would be a fireable offense and once someone is an adult who they become is up to them more than the people around them; the players aren't five year olds. I was fine with how Riley handled the KW situation and I would have been fine if he had handled it differently. So basically, I just wrote this to say I have no strong opinion, and if you have read this far I probably owe you an apology for wasting your time. One will not be forthcoming, as I am too lazy to type it, but not to lazy to type this explanation of why I do not apologize.
Agreed. I wonder to what extent the fact that he has only been employed for two weeks factored into the decision to terminate? Maybe if he had already coached a full year like coach Dub and established a connection to the players, program, recruits and community, they might have cut him some slack.
You don't think a guy that represents your school being caught drunk driving is a terminable offense? Regardless of if there were recruits in the car or not, I wouldn't trust a guy to coach my kid if he either didn't know how to get an uber, lyft, or a cab or thought that putting lives at risk was worth saving $20 to get home.
Saw a twitter feed that there were no recruits in the car at the time of arrest. That doesn't mean there weren't before. I'm sure we will know more soon.
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You don't think a guy that represents your school being caught drunk driving is a terminable offense? Regardless of if there were recruits in the car or not, I wouldn't trust a guy to coach my kid if he either didn't know how to get an uber, lyft, or a cab or thought that putting lives at risk was worth saving $20 to get home.

You're telling me you are for immediate termination for anyone for making an error in judgement off the clock? :rolleyes:
Per the Oregonian:

No UO recruits or current student-athletes were in the car with Reaves at the time of his arrest, UO senior associate athletic director Craig Pintens said.
It is not as unusual as people think to fire someone on their first DUI. First we don't know what their contract states, second, what is the overall policy of the college. I have known people who worked in technology service and a DUI is bye bye. Too often we make judgements from past experiences which may or may not fit this situation.
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