Now that the NCAA has opened the Endless Free Agency Revolving Door


Dec 4, 2007
El Ranchito Dominican Republic
Does high school rankings matter anymore? Players are now the highest-paid hookers in college, and the schools are the sleazy low-class clients...

I am not sure I would want to be a coach in today's game. This sure as sh!t is not college football anymore... The Blue Blood programs will dominate in the underhanded tactics it takes to be successful and sell their souls to the almighty dollar to stay relevant. The best part is that they will be made to look like saints saving college football, and the smaller programs will be the poor sharecroppers trying to eke out a living while being trampled by sleazy landowners.
Does high school rankings matter anymore? Players are now the highest-paid hookers in college, and the schools are the sleazy low-class clients...

I am not sure I would want to be a coach in today's game. This sure as sh!t is not college football anymore... The Blue Blood programs will dominate in the underhanded tactics it takes to be successful and sell their souls to the almighty dollar to stay relevant. The best part is that they will be made to look like saints saving college football, and the smaller programs will be the poor sharecroppers trying to eke out a living while being trampled by sleazy landowners.
Isn't that the way it's always been?