No more LSU football?

It would be interesting to see in the Sports Program sends money to general fund of the university similar to NU. Chances are, the football team pays for ALL the sports programs and then some. Typical liberal politician, give me give me give me....
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They'll find a way to kick the can... Eventually though, that state (and many others along with it) have a enormous problem on their hands.
It would be interesting to see in the Sports Program sends money to general fund of the university similar to NU. Chances are, the football team pays for ALL the sports programs and then some. Typical liberal politician, give me give me give me....

Fantastic. This "Typical liberal politician" is facing a 940 million dollar budget shortfall this year, and a 2 billion dollar shortfall in 2017. What's sad is that he has to draw analogies to the effect upon college football to raise awareness. Perhaps you might recommend a "Typical conservative politician" that can rectify the mess? Be sure to let me know which "give me give me" entitlements that conservative firebrand is willing to eliminate. I'm confident that won't be a problem at all with his/her constituency.

Liberal or conservative, problems like this are real. The source of these problems isn't limited to one side of the political aisle.
I hope Gunderson/Vaughn are on it. LSU had two 4* DEs and two 4* DTs in their class.

Who would have ever thought being in a state with a budget surplus could be used as a recruiting tool! RollingLaugh

"We might not have beaches... But you can be sure our university won't be shut down while your here."
It would be interesting to see in the Sports Program sends money to general fund of the university similar to NU. Chances are, the football team pays for ALL the sports programs and then some. Typical liberal politician, give me give me give me....
Amazing that he was sworn in Jan. 11, and managed to dig a $940 million hole in just four weeks. I wonder if his predecessor, who was busy fantasizing (to put it mildly) about higher office, might have had anything to do with it?
There's not a chance in the world this will happen. It's scare tactics by a Democratic governor to get a Republican legislature to go along with his tax increases.
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Things are a mess down here right now. Without writing a book on here explaining it in detail (I work at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette, so this directly effects my job).

Former governor Bobby Jindal came into office in 2008 with a 1billion dollar surplus with a federal cash flow to help after Katrina, he left us 8 years later to run for president with close to a 2 billion dollar deficit. Not 100% his fault but it is like 80% his fault. (Even when things went south, he refused to raise taxes to keep a spotless record while he eyed the white house. The Louisiana economy is heavily based on the price of oil.)

The thing that has LSU football concerned is that the state of Louisiana announced last night that they would no longer be paying for TOPS. Which is basically a scholarship Louisiana kids get if they meet certain requirements (GPA and ACT scores) that the state government will pay for their tuition as long as they stay in the state and attend a public university. Students on TOPS just have to pay fees and housing, tuition is paid for.

Alot of Public institutions in Louisiana depend on tuition and fees to keep the lights running because our boy Jindal cut from higher ed. Every year he was in office. (For example, if you look at LSU's budget the day Jindal took office to next years projected budget. The State has cut about 77% of funding to the University.)

With TOPS not paying the colleges anymore it would literally be impossible for alot of schools to stay open without having to almost double tuition. LSU would have massive kids transfer out and would have to shut down alot of classes. Students in those classes would receive an incomplete on their official transcript. The problem is that the NCAA does not consider a student eligible for sports if they have incompletes on their record.

It is alot more complicated than this but I tried to describe as easily as possible. I have been in emergency meetings all day about this.
Ah so there was more to it when Les ate the grass. Budget cuts started with the lawn mower... It all makes sense to me now.
Unreal. Sorry you're going through this @GeauxBigRed. I'm keeping the faith that no education won't be hit as hard as it seems right now.

My guess is that the NCAA would find some kind of reason to let these kids transfer out and still be eligible. I'd hope anyway.
We should hold a satellite camp in Baton Rouge during spring break handing out RIP flyers with LSU logo to all camp attendees. Camp would be right after NU holds one of their practices.
Things are a mess down here right now. Without writing a book on here explaining it in detail (I work at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette, so this directly effects my job).

Former governor Bobby Jindal came into office in 2008 with a 1billion dollar surplus with a federal cash flow to help after Katrina, he left us 8 years later to run for president with close to a 2 billion dollar deficit. Not 100% his fault but it is like 80% his fault. (Even when things went south, he refused to raise taxes to keep a spotless record while he eyed the white house. The Louisiana economy is heavily based on the price of oil.)

The thing that has LSU football concerned is that the state of Louisiana announced last night that they would no longer be paying for TOPS. Which is basically a scholarship Louisiana kids get if they meet certain requirements (GPA and ACT scores) that the state government will pay for their tuition as long as they stay in the state and attend a public university. Students on TOPS just have to pay fees and housing, tuition is paid for.

Alot of Public institutions in Louisiana depend on tuition and fees to keep the lights running because our boy Jindal cut from higher ed. Every year he was in office. (For example, if you look at LSU's budget the day Jindal took office to next years projected budget. The State has cut about 77% of funding to the University.)

With TOPS not paying the colleges anymore it would literally be impossible for alot of schools to stay open without having to almost double tuition. LSU would have massive kids transfer out and would have to shut down alot of classes. Students in those classes would receive an incomplete on their official transcript. The problem is that the NCAA does not consider a student eligible for sports if they have incompletes on their record.

It is alot more complicated than this but I tried to describe as easily as possible. I have been in emergency meetings all day about this.
I'm not sure the whole story can be told without also addressing Medicaid expansion and (I think) a huge chunk of money LA thought they would get in a lawsuit that is now tied up in court(?).

I have been thinking about moving to Nevada, but am waiting to see whether the huge cost of Medicaid expansion adopted by that state is going to require establishment of an income tax.

I hope everything works out and your job is unaffected.
It would be interesting to see in the Sports Program sends money to general fund of the university similar to NU. Chances are, the football team pays for ALL the sports programs and then some. Typical liberal politician, give me give me give me....

Ha ha both parties are give me, give me, give me. I don't think its right that unpaid workers have to "bailout" their university. Poor kids, world class athletes might get screwed because the gov't is such a POS. NU should say **** it, separate the football program and pay the athletes. Cut out the NCAA and get other big programs to follow suit... there is a market for it!
It would be interesting to see in the Sports Program sends money to general fund of the university similar to NU. Chances are, the football team pays for ALL the sports programs and then some. Typical liberal politician, give me give me give me....
According to this, the AD must send at least $7 million per year, and sent $10 million last year.

"The LSU athletic department announced Monday that it will transfer $10.05 million to the university’s academic fund this year, nearly $3 million more than is required by the school’s Athletics Fund Transfer Policy.
The policy went into effect in 2012, guaranteeing a $7.2 million payment from LSU’s athletic department to academics, plus a portion of any surplus the athletic department may end up with each fiscal year."
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So let me get this straight. Republican Governor is guilty for a budget shortfall in a state that's government is heavily reliant on oil revenue. Really? Someone reading this board believes there is something that the governor of Louisiana (Republican or Democrat) could do about oil prices tanking and destroying Louisiana's economy?
Likewise, Louisiana is going to cancel their flagship sports program that is not only paying for itself but returning 7-10 million per year to its university? Sounds like typical Liberal Politics. Those mean old Republican policies are staving the children and elderly and the only way they can save them is by sticking their hands even deeper into their constituents pockets.
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So let me get this straight. Republican Governor is guilty for a budget shortfall in a state that's government is heavily reliant on oil revenue. Really? Someone reading this board believes there is something that the governor of Louisiana (Republican or Democrat) could do about oil prices tanking and destroying Louisiana's economy?
Likewise, Louisiana is going to cancel their flagship sports program that is not only paying for itself but returning 7-10 million per year to its university? Sounds like typical Liberal Politics. Those mean old Republican policies are staving the children and elderly and the only way they can save them is by sticking their hands even deeper into their constituents pockets.

Bush created the bureaucratic behemoth named Homeland Security, you are kidding yourself if you think Republicans are small gov't. BOTH parties are completely fiscally irresponsible and fuel larger and larger governments.

"Government's great contribution to human the discovery that the taxpayer has more than one pocket." H.L. Mencken
Things are a mess down here right now. Without writing a book on here explaining it in detail (I work at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette, so this directly effects my job).

Former governor Bobby Jindal came into office in 2008 with a 1billion dollar surplus with a federal cash flow to help after Katrina, he left us 8 years later to run for president with close to a 2 billion dollar deficit. Not 100% his fault but it is like 80% his fault. (Even when things went south, he refused to raise taxes to keep a spotless record while he eyed the white house. The Louisiana economy is heavily based on the price of oil.)

The thing that has LSU football concerned is that the state of Louisiana announced last night that they would no longer be paying for TOPS. Which is basically a scholarship Louisiana kids get if they meet certain requirements (GPA and ACT scores) that the state government will pay for their tuition as long as they stay in the state and attend a public university. Students on TOPS just have to pay fees and housing, tuition is paid for.

Alot of Public institutions in Louisiana depend on tuition and fees to keep the lights running because our boy Jindal cut from higher ed. Every year he was in office. (For example, if you look at LSU's budget the day Jindal took office to next years projected budget. The State has cut about 77% of funding to the University.)

With TOPS not paying the colleges anymore it would literally be impossible for alot of schools to stay open without having to almost double tuition. LSU would have massive kids transfer out and would have to shut down alot of classes. Students in those classes would receive an incomplete on their official transcript. The problem is that the NCAA does not consider a student eligible for sports if they have incompletes on their record.

It is alot more complicated than this but I tried to describe as easily as possible. I have been in emergency meetings all day about this.
read where LSU is drafting the equivalent of bankruptcy.
They could start with cutting over half of the worthless jobs at every University. Every time I work at a University or College, it is truly shocking how little gets done by so many people.
Fantastic. This "Typical liberal politician" is facing a 940 million dollar budget shortfall this year, and a 2 billion dollar shortfall in 2017. What's sad is that he has to draw analogies to the effect upon college football to raise awareness. Perhaps you might recommend a "Typical conservative politician" that can rectify the mess? Be sure to let me know which "give me give me" entitlements that conservative firebrand is willing to eliminate. I'm confident that won't be a problem at all with his/her constituency.

Liberal or conservative, problems like this are real. The source of these problems isn't limited to one side of the political aisle.
One fact the conservatives don't like to bring up is their history of financs. A big majority of their losses are due to deficit spending. See Bush, Bush, Nixon, ----------------- and, Hoover, the champ of them all.
I honestly don't think this has anything to do with party politics. Bobby Jindal is a rat that ignored his home state for 8 years so he could run for president for 122 days.

He made bad decision after bad decision with money. They have shut down 2 ERs in Baton Rouge because government has cut funding. The state of Louisiana pays A&E $33,000 dollars an episode of Duck Dynasty.

Last year the government struck a deal with Wal-Mart to build 10 new stores in nice suburban areas to "create jobs". Each store employs an average of 46 employees at any one time. If you take the cost of building these Wal-Marts, it cost them over $250,000 for each job they created.

When they created a 4 year budget plan they set up their budget for gas being $110 dollars a barrel. Today it ended just at $29.

If you are interested in reading more about the History of the TOPS program or the situation the state is in I would suggest reading this article. Really does a great job laying it all out there!!
One fact the conservatives don't like to bring up is their history of financs. A big majority of their losses are due to deficit spending. See Bush, Bush, Nixon, ----------------- and, Hoover, the champ of them all.

Hey, if I'm reading you right you actually got your Hoover history correct. On this very board several years ago I had someone tell me that Hoover's response to the crash was to cut spending, I pointed him to the pertinent data which showed this wasn't the case. He refused to change his tune. Interesting fact, John Nance Garner (FDR's first VP) gave speeches accusing Herbert Hoover of being a socialist because of his pump priming policies.

As far as colleges go, someone else said it above, the costs are grossly inflated due to administrative bloat. Many of the most highly paid university employees do nothing but have meetings where they schedule other meetings where they decide on ways to make the professors' jobs more difficult and institute some stupid policies to placate some aggrieved group of students on campus.
I suspect the core problem at LSU is the same as every other public institution in this country. Pay very close attention to salaries and benefits (I.e., defined benefit pension plans, etc.) and therein lies a big part of the issue. But hey, "it's all about the children", right? (sarcasm intended).
couple of thoughts..

First, the Saudi's are mostly to blame for the cheap oil prices, but you also have new supply from Iran along with relatively new supply from the US, Canada, and other countries like Indonesia. It may be awhile before the price of oil goes back up in any meaningful way. I don't know much about Louisiana's finances, however imagine if your entire country was highly dependent on oil prices. Those countries in the middle east are starting to feel the pinch, and it is probably going to get even worse for them. I expect even less stability than there is now over there.

Secondly, the population of the US is changing more and more every day. Many of these new immigrants (legal or not) come from countries that are much more socialist than what we are traditionally used to. I saw a staggering statistic about the amount of influx from Cuba this last year. Point is, it will become more and more difficult for the Republican Party as the population base grows from a more socialist/democratic demographic. I am not at all surprised at the the success Bernie Sanders is having and that guy sounds like a flat out socialist from the little bit I have heard from him.
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I honestly don't think this has anything to do with party politics. Bobby Jindal is a rat that ignored his home state for 8 years so he could run for president for 122 days.

He made bad decision after bad decision with money. They have shut down 2 ERs in Baton Rouge because government has cut funding. The state of Louisiana pays A&E $33,000 dollars an episode of Duck Dynasty.

Last year the government struck a deal with Wal-Mart to build 10 new stores in nice suburban areas to "create jobs". Each store employs an average of 46 employees at any one time. If you take the cost of building these Wal-Marts, it cost them over $250,000 for each job they created.

When they created a 4 year budget plan they set up their budget for gas being $110 dollars a barrel. Today it ended just at $29.

If you are interested in reading more about the History of the TOPS program or the situation the state is in I would suggest reading this article. Really does a great job laying it all out there!!
The oil/gas price drop while good for low income consumers has been a disaster for some energy economy dependent states. Nobody could have predicted this.
I saw a staggering statistic about the amount of influx from Cuba this last year

I would like to see that statistic. The majority of Cuban immigrants are Republicans as they blamed Kennedy for the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. If they are leaving Cuba because of communism it would make sense they'd be leery of socialism. I know this because my grandfather fled Cuba after Castro nationalized the family print shop, he was granted asylum, started another print shop, registered Republican and had three conservative children.

I am a millennial and I have many friends who have Republican parents but will not vote Rep. because of social issues. Pro Choice, pro gay rights and they want gender equality. Once the GOP accepts the times are a changing then we can get back to economic policy, where we should be.

PS I like Motley Crew too!
The threats to some things are very real but the threat about LSU football is a clear example of the Washington Monument Budget Strategy. The name comes from an incident where the National Parks Service faced some budget cuts and responded by closing their most popular attractions to pressure law makers to restore their funding. In 2013 during the government shutdown you may remember that memorials which didn't even require staffing were closed so the government could stamp its feet at us.
I would like to see that statistic. The majority of Cuban immigrants are Republicans as they blamed Kennedy for the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. If they are leaving Cuba because of communism it would make sense they'd be leery of socialism. I know this because my grandfather fled Cuba after Castro nationalized the family print shop, he was granted asylum, started another print shop, registered Republican and had three conservative children.

I am a millennial and I have many friends who have Republican parents but will not vote Rep. because of social issues. Pro Choice, pro gay rights and they want gender equality. Once the GOP accepts the times are a changing then we can get back to economic policy, where we should be.

PS I like Motley Crew too!
it was on the evening news last night.. it was like a 50k statistic, but even more important, they were discussing how Cubans where taking flights to Columbia, or other South American countries, then working their way up through the border into Texas and then on to Miami. They interviewed a gentleman that said it took him 8 months. The main driver seemed to be the Cuban's desire to immigrate under the US political asylum clauses while they were still available and people's fear that those clauses would be revoked under the recent thaw in relations.
The threats to some things are very real but the threat about LSU football is a clear example of the Washington Monument Budget Strategy. The name comes from an incident where the National Parks Service faced some budget cuts and responded by closing their most popular attractions to pressure law makers to restore their funding. In 2013 during the government shutdown you may remember that memorials which didn't even require staffing were closed so the government could stamp its feet at us.

Moth, spreading the truth....and nothing but the truth.
I would like to see that statistic. The majority of Cuban immigrants are Republicans as they blamed Kennedy for the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. If they are leaving Cuba because of communism it would make sense they'd be leery of socialism. I know this because my grandfather fled Cuba after Castro nationalized the family print shop, he was granted asylum, started another print shop, registered Republican and had three conservative children.

I am a millennial and I have many friends who have Republican parents but will not vote Rep. because of social issues. Pro Choice, pro gay rights and they want gender equality. Once the GOP accepts the times are a changing then we can get back to economic policy, where we should be.

PS I like Motley Crew too!

You will once you get older.