Normandy is on my bucket list to visit. So sad how few WWII vets are left.
Things like this is why I get pissed when I see a shitbag complaing about this country, or saying "America was never great". The capri wearing "males" nowadays would have made it about 10 seconds around the greatest generation.
Things like this is why I get pissed when I see a shitbag complaing about this country, or saying "America was never great". The capri wearing "males" nowadays would have made it about 10 seconds around the greatest generation.
Things like this is why I get pissed when I see a shitbag complaing about this country, or saying "America was never great". The capri wearing "males" nowadays would have made it about 10 seconds around the greatest generation.
Things like this is why I get pissed when I see a shitbag complaing about this country, or saying "America was never great". The capri wearing "males" nowadays would have made it about 10 seconds around the greatest generation.
Enrozes is dead on and you are dead wrong. I went into the military a lazy teen and left basic training a man. Would I have been able to go from HS straight to Iraq? No way. But after basic training and after ground combat skills training, I was a different person. I no longer took things for granted but I had to be trained to understand what it was like.
No way could I work 14 hour shifts in Iraq without that training and make no mistake, every solider who hit the beach in 1944 had military training. Every soldier that hit the beach that day was not the same person they were when they signed up. They had developed into soldiers. Did it prep them for what they went thru? Hell no. Nothing every can prep you for combat except combat. But people tend to have a way to step up when it is there time.
Would this younger generation have trouble without their iPhones, instant gratification, or instant entertainment that they have been accustomed to? Hell yes they would but its not a need. They'd adapt. Thousands do every week when they ship out to basic training. Don't give me this shit.
And I have all the respect in the world for those soldiers who took the beach that day. Likely the most difficult battle in hundreds of years and likely we will never see a battle like that again. In todays age, we'd have hit the beach with more deep range missiles before storming it. We just didn't have that back then.
Saying that this generation today couldn't do what they did in 1944 is disrespectful towards the soldiers we have protecting us today. They do an amazing job every day for us. So many fight for us in difficult situations in battles that you will never know about because they are classified. Again, not taking anything away from WWII vets. all my respect for them.
Want to bitch about a generation, bitch about the ones that were 18-ish in the 70's & 80's. They killed all industry in this country outside of the service industry. Raised the hell out of the price of housing and college and left us a ridiculous amount of debt to deal with. Also heavily increased the working hours it takes to survive to make a livable paycheck. And how many of them dodged the draft when it was there turn to go fight? How many of them found legal ways "out" of fighting. Go ask Mr. Trump.
I am saying they are largely more unwilling. Hell... I can't even get a kid to work for more than 3 days because "it's too hard". And by no means is the work I do the most labor intensive.Enrozes is dead on and you are dead wrong. I went into the military a lazy teen and left basic training a man. Would I have been able to go from HS straight to Iraq? No way. But after basic training and after ground combat skills training, I was a different person. I no longer took things for granted but I had to be trained to understand what it was like.
No way could I work 14 hour shifts in Iraq without that training and make no mistake, every solider who hit the beach in 1944 had military training. Every soldier that hit the beach that day was not the same person they were when they signed up. They had developed into soldiers. Did it prep them for what they went thru? Hell no. Nothing every can prep you for combat except combat. But people tend to have a way to step up when it is there time.
Would this younger generation have trouble without their iPhones, instant gratification, or instant entertainment that they have been accustomed to? Hell yes they would but its not a need. They'd adapt. Thousands do every week when they ship out to basic training. Don't give me this shit.
And I have all the respect in the world for those soldiers who took the beach that day. Likely the most difficult battle in hundreds of years and likely we will never see a battle like that again. In todays age, we'd have hit the beach with more deep range missiles before storming it. We just didn't have that back then.
Saying that this generation today couldn't do what they did in 1944 is disrespectful towards the soldiers we have protecting us today. They do an amazing job every day for us. So many fight for us in difficult situations in battles that you will never know about because they are classified. Again, not taking anything away from WWII vets. all my respect for them.
Want to bitch about a generation, bitch about the ones that were 18-ish in the 70's & 80's. They killed all industry in this country outside of the service industry. Raised the hell out of the price of housing and college and left us a ridiculous amount of debt to deal with. Also heavily increased the working hours it takes to survive to make a livable paycheck. And how many of them dodged the draft when it was there turn to go fight? How many of them found legal ways "out" of fighting. Go ask Mr. Trump.
That's why I respect this country and the sacrifices made to make it free.Standing on the cliff with the American cemetery to your back and the empty Omaha beach in front is a scene a movie couldn't write . Thousands and thousands of white crosses lined up with military precision is a sight every American should see and if you are not moved to tears something is wrong. Semper Fi.
That's why I respect this country and the sacrifices made to make it free.
Enrozes is dead on and you are dead wrong. I went into the military a lazy teen and left basic training a man. Would I have been able to go from HS straight to Iraq? No way. But after basic training and after ground combat skills training, I was a different person. I no longer took things for granted but I had to be trained to understand what it was like.
No way could I work 14 hour shifts in Iraq without that training and make no mistake, every solider who hit the beach in 1944 had military training. Every soldier that hit the beach that day was not the same person they were when they signed up. They had developed into soldiers. Did it prep them for what they went thru? Hell no. Nothing every can prep you for combat except combat. But people tend to have a way to step up when it is there time.
Would this younger generation have trouble without their iPhones, instant gratification, or instant entertainment that they have been accustomed to? Hell yes they would but its not a need. They'd adapt. Thousands do every week when they ship out to basic training. Don't give me this shit.
And I have all the respect in the world for those soldiers who took the beach that day. Likely the most difficult battle in hundreds of years and likely we will never see a battle like that again. In todays age, we'd have hit the beach with more deep range missiles before storming it. We just didn't have that back then.
Saying that this generation today couldn't do what they did in 1944 is disrespectful towards the soldiers we have protecting us today. They do an amazing job every day for us. So many fight for us in difficult situations in battles that you will never know about because they are classified. Again, not taking anything away from WWII vets. all my respect for them.
Want to bitch about a generation, bitch about the ones that were 18-ish in the 70's & 80's. They killed all industry in this country outside of the service industry. Raised the hell out of the price of housing and college and left us a ridiculous amount of debt to deal with. Also heavily increased the working hours it takes to survive to make a livable paycheck. And how many of them dodged the draft when it was there turn to go fight? How many of them found legal ways "out" of fighting. Go ask Mr. Trump.
I am saying they are largely more unwilling. Hell... I can't even get a kid to work for more than 3 days because "it's too hard". And by no means is the work I do the most labor intensive.
Freak out if you must, but I was basically agreeing with you. I would think it angers you to see a chunk of this generation denegrate the country we live in. If not, so be it.
Not trying to pick a fight, but those today who ship out to basic VOLUNTEETED to do so. I can't speak for 463 for certain, but I don't see his post slamming the current military members. I think he like I was indicting society in general.
Not trying to pick a fight, but those today who ship out to basic VOLUNTEETED to do so. I can't speak for 463 for certain, but I don't see his post slamming the current military members. I think he like I was indicting society in general.
My grandfather was part of the greatest generation. Their lives were tougher. They lived through the depression. A much larger percentage of people were living on farms vs today. They had to work. There was nowhere near the governmental social programs there are today. You had to be....self reliant.
I wasn't in the military but, I have the utmost respect for those who have served. If I had to chose between a crew of all military vs all college educated to work the streets for me, I'd take military EVERY time.
If God forbid we ever had to institute the draft, IMHO I just dont see the overall 'buy in' from the draft eligible population vs the greatest generation. We have by far the least healthy and most obese population in the industrialized world. We've raised a couple of participation ribbon generations. Heck, I've seen numerous police recruits quit on the first day of an Academy class (tame vs the military basic).
So again, not sure how you found an insult to today's military members?
The draft isn't "coming back".
Standing on the cliff with the American cemetery to your back and the empty Omaha beach in front is a scene a movie couldn't write . Thousands and thousands of white crosses lined up with military precision is a sight every American should see and if you are not moved to tears something is wrong. Semper Fi.
I agree, and that's a good thing. That's why I said "god forbid." Hypothetically, If it ever does become necessary because we run out of those willing to volunteer, we're screwed.
Standing on the cliff with the American cemetery to your back and the empty Omaha beach in front is a scene a movie couldn't write . Thousands and thousands of white crosses lined up with military precision is a sight every American should see and if you are not moved to tears something is wrong. Semper Fi.
You forgot the Italians. Never forget the damn Italian menace of WW2.No they aren't.
Its not quite my generation's fault having been born in 1982, that the terrorists couldn't execute a threat anywhere near as demanding as 1941 Germany and Japan, combined.