Nebraska halts production of plates

Those license plates are an embarrassment. When your design us the butt of talk show jokes, you know it is bad.
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I'm not jumping up and down with joy about the new plates but I do understand and can tolerate the intent of the 150th anniversary of statehood and the colors of our state flag. While I would rather have the cornhusker state or the beef state, well maybe next time. But at least they're better than the ones we currently have. Unfortunately they probably won't be identifiable to anyone outside the state that could care less or know what our flag colors are.
To be honest, when they first unveiled that plate, I didn't think the sower looked right. But I thought it must just be a funny angle, because how could they possibly be dumb enough to use the wrong image? Famous last words, I suppose.
Go retro. Use plate like this one....


Equality Before the Law

The state decided to go with Chimney Rock instead of Stand Bear on the quarter. Why not use the image of a great and loyal Nebraskan on it's license plate???
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LOL, Strike 1 Ricketts and Nebraska. Try again, I'm sure you will come up with something just as ugly and lame second time around.Sick
I saw one on FB that some kid probably did with photoshop that looked really good.
The funniest/saddest part is, IIRC the design is from 2002 and Ricketts didn't even know who the designer was.

There's a design on a FB page that got over 400 likes. Outline of Chimney Rock on the left side, Capitol in the middle, Omaha skyline on the right. Very nice looking.
I have memories of the bicentennial plate, but like the state outline one. They can do a more modern rendition of it, but if you didn't like that then you could get a custom plate. The standard one shouldn't be an eyesore or a nationwide joke, IMO.
