Amazing development! Just thinking about his talents slinging the prune juice coming together with Runzas, I would truly never be in my seats (I would be in another part of the stadium).
Iowa's more like a Mr. Pibb school.
Mr. Pibb is the shit. Don't ever compare them to Iowa. Iowa is more like a "dr. thunder" kind of school
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Ok, but with that headline, I am still a little pissed. Like the fake news on the internet. Oh well.
The emoticons on this site don't work.
Are you using the emoticons link in the tool bar at the top of the reply box or are you using the emoticon link on your keyboard tool bar? I have noticed that if I use the toolbar on my keyboard that the emoticons don't work. You have to use the one in the tool bar at the top of the reply box.
But Larry Culpepper's most recent Twitter post seems troublesome.....

"You haven't gotten my Dr. Pepper til signing day."

Followed by..

"I hear Nebraska is a Pepsi Cola state. SMH...."

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