Lincoln mayor

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The idea that some are advocating for more lockdowns after the absolute catastrophe they were is unconscionable.

You're willing to trade lives that lockdowns kill - kill those who would otherwise live, and then act like you're some morally superior elite. Disgusting.

The answer has always been protect the elderly and ill and let the rest of America go about their lives. Anything else is nefariously authoritarian and un-American.
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Cut all discretionary spending from budgets and carve them down to bare bones too. Basically just fix roads like stated above. Amazing how fast the issue would solve itself
Roads are generally considered discretionary spending. There are a lot of necessary public goods besides just roads.
The vast majority of a small number is still a smaller number. Nebraska has been one of the best states in all of this without the terrible policy decisions others have made.

We are one of the worst in per capita cases. By what metric are we "one of the best"?
“The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” <--

Uh, you realize that AA discriminates based on the color of a person's skin, right? I think that is the definition of racism.

AA is a case of those who portend to be against racism employing racist policies in order to fight racism. Racism is never okay regardless of the justification for it.
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