Late night bad weather

Lost neighbors large pine tree in Columbus and we were stupid and had our windows open. Every door in the house slammed us awake. Looks like a decent amount of damage in a few places.
My sister's neighborhood just east of Southeast HS in Lincoln has a lot of downed limbs and tree damage.

I gave up trying to sleep at 3am. I went outside to experience the continuous thunder and light show. A big ball of brilliant lightening flashed in front of my face. I quickly covered my ears and the resulting boom was STILL loud! I went back in after that. 🤣
I was up late anyways, watching movies and wanted to get past the Tornado warning. Finally went to bed, didn't realize my Husky wuz under the bed (Chickenshit) and the Chow Chow was in the doorway, growled a few times at the noise and barked a little. Then finally passed out, looked outside and the Roof isn't laying in the yard. Calling it a win for West O!
I swear I woke up the second before those screeching emergency phone alarms went off. The thunder sounded weird and drawn out like the loud “train” noise of a tornado. It was only really windy for the first 5 minutes. No damage to report from South O.
My wife is a huge worrier with this stuff so she was up in middle of night watching the and the cat stayed in bed and were snoring just fine.
Tornado sirens went off at 2AM in Lincoln so already being up it was a good time to go outside., smoke a cigar and watch the thunder and light show. Got an inch or more of rain. May has been very good rain wise. Slowly chipping away at the drought status we were in.
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