Late in game: Farmer flagged for personal foul, did he get in to it with Cav?


Aug 15, 2016
Forced to watch on iPad so hard to tell if it was a personal foul. Curious, did he and Cav have words on the sideline after that? Also curious if Tanner was benched.
Was it holding? Thought it was an unsportsmanlike or something. And yes Cav seemed to be talking to him at least somewhat sternly. Farmer seemed to be trying to explain his side Im guessing? Cant remember if he sat out one play maybe? Dont know for sure.
It was personal foul for playing after the whistle. There was some back and forth between he and Cav, don’t really know what was said. Didn’t appear too heated to me though.
Daimion Stafford would like to have a word with you.

Kind of a BS play. Whistle blew and Farmer was already going over, gravity was to blame...
he didn't get chewed out as bad as the guy with the late hit from illinois around the same time
Well, pick your scenario. Appeared Farmer was locked up on his guy and was not going to quit. Pushed him into the pile after the whistle. It was obvious. Cav pulled him out for more than one play for sure. Tried to get number of who went in for him, thinking Bo? Yes they went at it on the sideline jawing and finger pointing. Neither was happy.

Lee did not sit, played very well.
Forced to watch on iPad so hard to tell if it was a personal foul. Curious, did he and Cav have words on the sideline after that? Also curious if Tanner was benched.
Cav tried to give Farmer a butt chewing, but Tanner wasn't having any of it. I don't think Tanner liked being pulled from the game. Cav doesn't usually do that regardless of penalty or poor performance.
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Forced to watch on iPad so hard to tell if it was a personal foul. Curious, did he and Cav have words on the sideline after that? Also curious if Tanner was benched.
He was benched for Wilson after the penalty. They had words, not to an unusual degree. Coach should pull a kid and get on him after a penalty like that, kids usually don't like it and usually don't think they did anything wrong. It really didn't seem like a big deal to me. In fact, I thought it was actually a welcome sight. Just like DPE's offsetting PF, this team needs a little more nasty, IMO.
He was benched for Wilson after the penalty. They had words, not to an unusual degree. Coach should pull a kid and get on him after a penalty like that, kids usually don't like it and usually don't think they did anything wrong. It really didn't seem like a big deal to me. In fact, I thought it was actually a welcome sight. Just like DPE's offsetting PF, this team needs a little more nasty, IMO.
I disagree. Farmer needs to have the mental toughness to (1) be able to take an *ss chewing without yelling back at his coach, (B) concentrate and not make so many mistakes in the first place, and third, realize that he's replaceable and his position is not etched in stone regardless of effort level.
The way I saw it was that Farmer got an unsportsmanlike, which was poorly timed, since we were trying to run the clock. Luckily Oz broke a 20 harder to move the chains on the next play. Cab pulls him after the penalty and chews on him a little. Farmer tries to explain the situation. It didn't look too heated IMO. Typical stuff.

The plus side is that Wilson got a couple live snaps in clean up time.
The way I saw it was that Farmer got an unsportsmanlike, which was poorly timed, since we were trying to run the clock. Luckily Oz broke a 20 harder to move the chains on the next play. Cab pulls him after the penalty and chews on him a little. Farmer tries to explain the situation. It didn't look too heated IMO. Typical stuff.

The plus side is that Wilson got a couple live snaps in clean up time.
I agree. BTW, Wilson had a nice block too. Looks pretty talented.
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Weak penalty. The exchange of words is indicative of a program w/out a lot of discipline, which would be hard to argue we have.
Farmer was probably reminding him that Nick Gates stays out there after his 1-2 PFs a game.

I live "Cavgrove." Solid nickname.
Well, certainly the responses to the original question are quire entertaining. The penalty was obvious and deserved. Similar to the one where Morgan received the cheap shot. Plenty of time to let up, he didnt. The team is not lost or out of control, good grief, are people going to say that with every penalty and coach/player interaction? Cav was making a point about playing smart football most likely and Farmer wasnt in the mood to listen. Since we could not hear what was said nor see the entire transaction due to tv, how the heck can anyone really know? Noth were obviously upset, Cav is the coach and the player needs to listen for the overall benefit of the team. Now what other hidden meanimgs are there to this?
Can't push dudes over the pile. That's one of those "points of emphasis" flags that you'll get every time. Too easy to tear up a guy's knee doing that.

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