Wanting to get some advice/wisdom from the board. We noticed our 12 year old Lab started to lose weight and began leaking urine all over the house a couple months back. After taking her to the vet and getting numerous tests done, they found that she was in end-stage renal disease. She doesn't appear to be in pain, although I've heard dogs have a very high pain tolerance and don't show it. She is getting around a lot slower and continues to lose weight. The biggest issue is the incontinence. She simply leaks urine all over the house and if she lays down, which she does a lot these days, there will be a pool of urine left underneath her. It has gotten to the point where no matter how frequently we bathe her, she smells and is drenched in her own urine minutes later. We've tried all sorts of medications from the vet for the incontinence with no success. It has gotten so bad that our kids don't even like being around her due to the smell and I feel she's lost some of her dignity walking around in her piss all day. Not to mention our house always has urine on the floor and smells like dog pee. My wife wants me to get her put down but I would hate to do so if she still has a few years left and the incontinence is the only thing going against her. Unfortunately, not in a living situation where she could become more of an outside dog. These decisions really suck!