Is Iowa our Rival? According to TO, they are not...


First Team All-Big Ten
Sep 7, 2013
He has said, there were other teams that declare you a rival, but there has to be a certain level of excellence for both teams. Oklahoma and Nebraska fit because when they played, they were both normally ranked and playing for something. Rivalries are not lopsided.

Iowa has been ranked and beat our ass 5 times in a row. Their place, our place, doesn’t matter.

Nebraska is no rival to Iowa.
I will say the least Iowa could’ve done in these past five seasons of being the better team, the very least is to at least have won a B1G championship or a major bowl...

I realize playing and beating Nebraska is the highlight of the season for their fans, but the players can’t be happy with the relative lack of national relevance.
I was asking a ? Hence the ? . And was still serious it clearly looks like a fan made rivalry to me. I don’t know what else you call it.
Us being $#!++¥ doesn’t make them rivals. That’s not how that works
So is Oklahoma or Colorado still ‘our rival’? Ya know we’re sh!tty after all. Didn’t know that was the qualifier.

This talking point is so tiring. And, Frankly, Iowa has Minny, Wisc, isu, well in front of Nebraska. Nebraska hasn’t passed any of those teams or any other Big 10 team except in the eyes of those ‘maybe’ is sparsely populated western Iowa.

It took Penn State decades to settle into a conf, gonna take Nebraska a while too.

From my perspective Nebraska, fans not team, get under the skin of message board fans and vice versa- that’s about it.

As I type this Minnesota fans are doing their “who Hates Iowa chant” on gameday. We got 100 years of playing this game to catch up to being that type of rival and need to get over ourselves. We’d be better served pretending we’re a fortunate adoptee of a sugar daddy, but not blood- because that’s the reality TO brokered.
He has said, there were other teams that declare you a rival, but there has to be a certain level of excellence for both teams. Oklahoma and Nebraska fit because when they played, they were both normally ranked and playing for something. Rivalries are not lopsided.

Iowa has been ranked and beat our ass 5 times in a row. Their place, our place, doesn’t matter.

Nebraska is no rival to Iowa.

By TO's definition, neither team has held up their end of the bargain.
So is Oklahoma or Colorado still ‘our rival’? Ya know we’re sh!tty after all. Didn’t know that was the qualifier.

This talking point is so tiring. And, Frankly, Iowa has Minny, Wisc, isu, well in front of Nebraska. Nebraska hasn’t passed any of those teams or any other Big 10 team except in the eyes of those ‘maybe’ is sparsely populated western Iowa.

It took Penn State decades to settle into a conf, gonna take Nebraska a while too.

From my perspective Nebraska, fans not team, get under the skin of message board fans and vice versa- that’s about it.

As I type this Minnesota fans are doing their “who Hates Iowa chant” on gameday. We got 100 years of playing this game to catch up to being that type of rival and need to get over ourselves. We’d be better served pretending we’re a fortunate adoptee of a sugar daddy, but not blood- because that’s the reality TO brokered.
No? I said it WASN’T a qualifier. Nice rant though
No they are not! They are an average team who has won nothing ever. At our very worst they barley beat us. They will never win a National Championship. They will never be in the same league as Nebraska- Oklahoma of the past.
I will say the least Iowa could’ve done in these past five seasons of being the better team, the very least is to at least have won a B1G championship or a major bowl...

I realize playing and beating Nebraska is the highlight of the season for their fans, but the players can’t be happy with the relative lack of national relevance.

LOL! The highlight of the season? No.
I honestly don't care if you feel it's a rivalry or not. A win is a win no matter who you are playing and Iowa has won 5 straight and 4 straight in your house. If you justify it by saying your team is as bad as ever and it doesn't mean much then fine if that's what makes you happy. Enjoy your superiority complex. I'll enjoy the win.
Our seldom rehearsed history goes (according to my memory) all the way back to 1981 when I was an 8th grader. We were awesome then led by QB Turner Gill, RBs Mike Rozier/Roger Craig, and WR Irving Fryar (the Justyn Ross of that season). Iowa shocked us 10-7 with RB Phil Blatcher and Co. I will never forget it. We still made the Orange Bowl to face #1 Clemson...speaking of their current star WR Justyn Ross.

Yes. We have a history with Iowa clearly. I'd say Nebraska's rivalry is Oklahoma/ Colorado. But conference realignment has really hurt our brand of football.

I'll be glad when we leave the freezing North and the Big Ten. We belong in our own area where the state of Kansas is nearby.
I honestly don't care if you feel it's a rivalry or not. A win is a win no matter who you are playing and Iowa has won 5 straight and 4 straight in your house. If you justify it by saying your team is as bad as ever and it doesn't mean much then fine if that's what makes you happy. Enjoy your superiority complex. I'll enjoy the win.
Lol....what is it about Iowa fans that they can’t take a win and a compliment and move on? I’ll try again, congratulations on the past 5 seasons, Iowa has been the better team these past 5 years. Read slowly and more than once if necessary.
Thanks. You must be the only poster on this board I could have been referring to.
If you’re paying attention, no one on this board claims that Nebraska has been the better team these past 5 seasons. Evidently, you have an inferiority complex and it interferes with rational thinking and reading comprehension.
No we are our own rival at this point. We are the keystone kops and can’t stop giving games away and Iowa still needs last second field goals to beat us.RollingLaughIf we ever figure how to get over our self-imposed mental hurdle Iowa will be an afterthought. Our real rivals would reveal themselves to us at that time.
I second this... the hardest team on our schedule is Ourselves... every year it seems like we constantly beat ourselves... or with the few exceptions like when playing Ohio state, we assist in whooping our own ass... I love my huskers and man I want to be back in the hunt to national championships but right now it’s painful to be a husker fan, it’s painful to be able to pin point the exact point where the game turned and we lost, it’s painful to lose to teams that growing up i was so used to seeing us curb stomp... it’s hard to try not to get your hopes up every spring just because you fear the pain of another horrible season... I know HCSF is getting us there, I just wish he could get us there quicker.. :(
I would try and schedule some home and away non-conference games with Iowa State, Kansas, K-State, and/or Oklahoma State in the near future so we can hang on to our mindset. We need familiarity on our schedule school history-wise to help out. All of those laughing Wisconsin faces shouldn't be so mentally draining for us.

I just see terrible chemistry right now with our Big Ten slate. Mesh in a familiar opponent and remove one of the Div II or lesser known schools. Coach Frost has got to do something to stop the bleeding.
It's a rivalry and when Nebraska players take the game as seriously as the Iowa ones obviously do, then perhaps the wins will start coming.

The game is a big, big deal to the Hawks.
Grad of both Iowa and Michigan. I agree with the poster that said you should be in a different conference. You are way over your head in terms of football and obviously academics. Nebraska is BY FAR the worst school in the conference according to any metric you utilize. That’s not a flame. Nebraska was a fantastic program when I was growing up but there were always players beating the **** out of women or driving around with guns etc. Osborne sacrificed his principles back then to win. The game has changed, recruiting bases have narrowed and there is more national parity. Iowa has another power 5 school in the state and will never be able to acquire the necessary talent to win a natty. Neither will Nebraska. You will never ever be able to recruit the 60 plus 4 and 5 star guys on a roster necessary to be anything more than a 7-9 wins a year program like we are. Not in this conference and not during the changed college football landscape.

I came to this board to be the final word on this matter. So enjoy your trophies in that dusty trophy case with the fingerprints of Lawrence Phillips, Christian Peter, your renegade defensive backs etc. no thanks.
Grad of both Iowa and Michigan. I agree with the poster that said you should be in a different conference. You are way over your head in terms of football and obviously academics. Nebraska is BY FAR the worst school in the conference according to any metric you utilize. That’s not a flame. Nebraska was a fantastic program when I was growing up but there were always players beating the **** out of women or driving around with guns etc. Osborne sacrificed his principles back then to win. The game has changed, recruiting bases have narrowed and there is more national parity. Iowa has another power 5 school in the state and will never be able to acquire the necessary talent to win a natty. Neither will Nebraska. You will never ever be able to recruit the 60 plus 4 and 5 star guys on a roster necessary to be anything more than a 7-9 wins a year program like we are. Not in this conference and not during the changed college football landscape.

I came to this board to be the final word on this matter. So enjoy your trophies in that dusty trophy case with the fingerprints of Lawrence Phillips, Christian Peter, your renegade defensive backs etc. no thanks.
Lol....KF covers up sexual assaults and I could see you being Iowa educated, but only through high school. Get lost fu€k stick..RollingLaugh
I will say the least Iowa could’ve done in these past five seasons of being the better team, the very least is to at least have won a B1G championship or a major bowl...

I realize playing and beating Nebraska is the highlight of the season for their fans, but the players can’t be happy with the relative lack of national relevance.

To say Iowa beating a sub .500 Nebraska team the last few years is the highlight of our season is completely false. As an Iowa fan, our rival is Iowa State, Wisconsin (we cant beat them either) and Minnesota. I honestly think the whole rival thing for Nebraska is a made up thing because Nebraska has NO rival anymore. That’s just my opinion. Iowa was in the Rose Bowl in 2015 because we beat Wisconsin. Since then, we haven’t.
So, who is going to consider you their rival in the B1G? OSU, Michigan, Penn State, Mich State, Wisconsin?? Nope.
Don't care about any of those programs either! Iowa already has Iowa St and Wisconsin which are good, heated rivalries. Stop trying to force Husker fans to care about your program!
To say Iowa beating a sub .500 Nebraska team the last few years is the highlight of our season is completely false. As an Iowa fan, our rival is Iowa State, Wisconsin (we cant beat them either) and Minnesota. I honestly think the whole rival thing for Nebraska is a made up thing because Nebraska has NO rival anymore. That’s just my opinion. Iowa was in the Rose Bowl in 2015 because we beat Wisconsin. Since then, we haven’t.

I see your players and fans get more worked about beating Nebraska than just about anyone else.
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So, who is going to consider you their rival in the B1G? OSU, Michigan, Penn State, Mich State, Wisconsin?? Nope.
Who says there has to be? I'm sure it will happen naturally at some point.

What I'm sick of is the manufactured, corporately-sponsored rivalry game trophies (ours with Iowa and Wisconsin). Can we at least agree those two are stupid? I'm not saying that because we always lose, give me the Floyd of Rosedale, Old Oaken Bucket, those Paul Bunyan ones, even $5 Bits of Broken Chair is fun because they weren't conjured up by a bunch of administrators looking to brand a game.
To say Iowa beating a sub .500 Nebraska team the last few years is the highlight of our season is completely false.
If that's the case, I'd love to see what your kicker does if he hits a game-winning field goal against one of those teams.
To say Iowa beating a sub .500 Nebraska team the last few years is the highlight of our season is completely false. As an Iowa fan, our rival is Iowa State, Wisconsin (we cant beat them either) and Minnesota. I honestly think the whole rival thing for Nebraska is a made up thing because Nebraska has NO rival anymore. That’s just my opinion. Iowa was in the Rose Bowl in 2015 because we beat Wisconsin. Since then, we haven’t.
Iowa fan obsession on this board and on iowas board says differently. The Nebraska game is tops for Iowa fans not Iowa players.
He has said, there were other teams that declare you a rival, but there has to be a certain level of excellence for both teams. Oklahoma and Nebraska fit because when they played, they were both normally ranked and playing for something. Rivalries are not lopsided.

Iowa has been ranked and beat our ass 5 times in a row. Their place, our place, doesn’t matter.

Nebraska is no rival to Iowa.
TO is old. That definition doesn't hold water any more. If you tell me Oklahoma is our rival, then you need to know Oklahoma has always considered Texas the rival and not Nebraska.
I would say it's "a" rivalry but not "the" rivalry for either program. By that I mean we both play in the same division in the same conference and reside right across the river from each other. Both fan bases don't like the other, and so in that sense it is a rivalry. Much the same as any other division rival. But it's nowhere near the level of some of the historic rivalries that exist. That won't happen until and unless there is something on the line for both programs. A winner take all for the division with both teams highly ranked. If that were to happen a few times, then it would have some potential, but until then, it's just another conference game between two programs whose fan bases don't really like the other.

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