How is your local media support?

DJ Spanky

Jul 25, 2001
We get crucified by our local media on a regular basis. The only time they're supportive is when our most visible teams are successful, like a typical bandwagon fan. Otherwise, they'll take every opportunity to rip us, recycling old issues, linking us to other scandals simply through innuendo or a "six degrees" type association. Or they'll play up local kids who go elsewhere, to Ped State, BC, etc. Do you have to deal with that out in Nebraska?
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Local media in Nebraska is what it is. Reality is not their goal, selling advertisement space is.

Now, if you want to know about disillusioned, koolaid-drinking bandwaggoners, you've come to the right board, Husker Online.
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Local media in Nebraska is what it is. Reality is not their goal, selling advertisement space is.

Now, if you want to know about disillusioned, koolaid-drinking bandwaggoners, you've come to the right board, Husker Online.
So ...then...I gotta ask....why are you here if we are all disillusioned kool aid drinkers?? Better than being a whiny bitch who is still butthurt over their idol being fired. I think there's a board for those types called HPH.
Local media in Nebraska is what it is. Reality is not their goal, selling advertisement space is.

Now, if you want to know about disillusioned, koolaid-drinking bandwaggoners, you've come to the right board, Husker Online.

For someone who badmouths this board with every post you make, it's good to see you haven't lost your touch.
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Local media in Nebraska is what it is. Reality is not their goal, selling advertisement space is.

Now, if you want to know about disillusioned, koolaid-drinking bandwaggoners, you've come to the right board, Husker Online.

You should be slapped side to side, to and fro and sent home with a note pinned in your drawls with your name, address and phone number. Just in case you forget where you live.
Depends...see...the fans either love them for loving the staff unless the fans hate the staff then they hate the media or they hate the media for hating the staff when the fans love the staff.

But...the fans will still hate the media even if they love the staff and the fans love the staff because it hating on them is fun.
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You should be slapped side to side, to and fro and sent home with a note pinned in your drawls with your name, address and phone number. Just in case you forget where you live.
Ha! I'm honored to be "done up" by the 1, the only, c2ooooooooo! goteeeeeem!
I have been a transplanted Nebraskan much of my life. I have always subscribed to the OWH and Lincoln Journal Star--all the way back to my days in Alaska and California, early 70s. I subscribed to Huskers Illustrated in magazine form and transitioned to this outfit in the 2000s. You can bitch and moan about about the press, but let tell you something, I can pretty much get some Husker football news from the papers almost every friggin day of the of year. That my friend means a lot to this putz. So, I say as Husker fans we are lucky with the coverage we are afforded and whether I agree with Sip or Sam or the Dean, I'm reading something I really care about.
I have been a transplanted Nebraskan much of my life. I have always subscribed to the OWH and Lincoln Journal Star--all the way back to my days in Alaska and California, early 70s. I subscribed to Huskers Illustrated in magazine form and transitioned to this outfit in the 2000s. You can bitch and moan about about the press, but let tell you something, I can pretty much get some Husker football news from the papers almost every friggin day of the of year. That my friend means a lot to this putz. So, I say as Husker fans we are lucky with the coverage we are afforded and whether I agree with Sip or Sam or the Dean, I'm reading something I really care about.
Might be post of the year so far. As a transplant also, and probably around your age, my experience has been just like yours. I've been backpacking in the bush several times wondering how NU did and the first thing I did when getting off the trail to a small town was grab the LA Times and look at the box score. Later in the week my OWH and Huskers Illustrated would arrive in the mail.