Hotty Totty



Ole Miss self-reduces scholarships by 11 total over the next 4 years. That is odd considering we were told this had nothing to do with football. Not a big hit for them, all they have to do is keep paying players. "Scholarship" is meaningless when the kids are all being paid anyway.
I included a link for anyone to read about it. That way there is no misunderstanding and extreme anger about being ignorant to the situation.
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Ole Miss self-reduces scholarships by 11 total over the next 4 years. That is odd considering we were told this had nothing to do with football. Not a big hit for them, all they have to do is keep paying players. "Scholarship" is meaningless when the kids are all being paid anyway.
I included a link for anyone to read about it. That way there is no misunderstanding and extreme anger about being ignorant to the situation.

Chris Kiffin
Ole Miss self-reduces scholarships by 11 total over the next 4 years. That is odd considering we were told this had nothing to do with football. Not a big hit for them, all they have to do is keep paying players. "Scholarship" is meaningless when the kids are all being paid anyway.
I included a link for anyone to read about it. That way there is no misunderstanding and extreme anger about being ignorant to the situation.

Glad the NCAA caught up with them. It doesn't state what further action the NCAA is going to take if any. One would think more with a 154 page report. There appears to be only one instance of your allegation of "the kids are all being paid anyway." It is like saying every player at Nebraska beats their girlfriend and drags her down the stairs. If the cheating is so wide spread as some claim and at a high level then 13 infractions total doesn't seem like all that much. 28 total school wide violations, 13 were for football with 8 of those level I and 9 or the 13 occurred under Freeze. In reading more about this the biggest concern is that the University slow played it and tried to hide it and put it all behind them. Sometimes the NCAA does actually find some things out. Hyperbole doesn't make the situation any better or worse for that matter.
Glad the NCAA caught up with them. It doesn't state what further action the NCAA is going to take if any. One would think more with a 154 page report. There appears to be only one instance of your allegation of "the kids are all being paid anyway." It is like saying every player at Nebraska beats their girlfriend and drags her down the stairs. If the cheating is so wide spread as some claim and at a high level then 13 infractions total doesn't seem like all that much. 28 total school wide violations, 13 were for football with 8 of those level I and 9 or the 13 occurred under Freeze. In reading more about this the biggest concern is that the University slow played it and tried to hide it and put it all behind them. Sometimes the NCAA does actually find some things out. Hyperbole doesn't make the situation any better or worse for that matter.
NCAA has not done a damn thing. I doubt they do either.
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It's pretty obvious that we're only seeing tips of icebergs (both Baylor and Ole Miss), but since the NCAA really only rattles its sabre, neither institution will be dealt a consequence that fits their crimes and serves as warning to other institutions.

SMU is a distant memory and the appeal of winning right away for many Universities is the priority now simply because the consequences of cheating aren't severe enough.
It's pretty obvious that we're only seeing tips of icebergs (both Baylor and Ole Miss), but since the NCAA really only rattles its sabre, neither institution will be dealt a consequence that fits their crimes and serves as warning to other institutions.

SMU is a distant memory and the appeal of winning right away for many Universities is the priority now simply because the consequences of cheating aren't severe enough.
Sorry to say... but until actual penalties happen, why not just go rogue? I was laughing out loud when reading their report of the dollars involved. I have some prime Ocean front property in Lincoln to sell anybody who is dumb enough to believe that's all there was to it.
Sorry to say... but until actual penalties happen, why not just go rogue? I was laughing out loud when reading their report of the dollars involved. I have some prime Ocean front property in Lincoln to sell anybody who is dumb enough to believe that's all there was to it.

I agree...the punishment (if any) is almost never anything of significance and I know a lot of fans like to pretend that they care but if NU was this below average program for years that still had a pretty solid fan base and all of a sudden started getting sweet players and ending up winning some big games and having some really good seasons we would all be pretty freaking thrilled.
There is always more to these investigations than we know about. There were 154 pages after all - have you read all of it?

I know the father of a guy who is an attorney for the NCAA or at least he was. He investigated USC after Pete did his nice work there among others. The guy didn't talk in specifics but did say they spent a bunch more time and uncovered many more things than were actually thought to have happened. It wasn't like they did this with one or two people either, it was a pretty big team. They operate on facts and evidence so just saying something happened, doesn't make it so. There has to be proof, unlike what I see on this site - if someone thinks it is true, then it is. He also said that they often find one coach doing something the head coach knows nothing about, I can easily see that happening. Why risk letting more people know what you are doing.

I won't pass judgement on the penalty as I don't know what they did actually find as problems - it didn't appear there was mass payment to recruits - at least that was found out. I also don't know all of the penalties. There could be a ton of internal triggers and follow-ups that go with all of this which I would assume would be at least the case. Losing scholarships is substantial. I know it would hurt us but maybe not in the years we couldn't give them all away. :)

The guy also said they all know what happened at SMU and that place never recovered so yes there is an awareness that when you bring the big hammer down, it is a big one for a long time. I also don't want to live in a glass house on all of this.
Sorry to say... but until actual penalties happen, why not just go rogue? I was laughing out loud when reading their report of the dollars involved. I have some prime Ocean front property in Lincoln to sell anybody who is dumb enough to believe that's all there was to it.
You have ocean-front property in Lincoln?
Some $EC schools are immune to NCAA punishment. Ole Mi$$ is not one of those protected schools though. I don't think that they would self-punish this way if they thought the NCAA would just turn a blind eye to the whole thing.
It's pretty obvious that we're only seeing tips of icebergs (both Baylor and Ole Miss), but since the NCAA really only rattles its sabre, neither institution will be dealt a consequence that fits their crimes and serves as warning to other institutions.

SMU is a distant memory and the appeal of winning right away for many Universities is the priority now simply because the consequences of cheating aren't severe enough.

the inmates run the asylum. can we all agree on that?
I would be okay with punishment the level of what Ole Miss is proposing if the likelihood of schools getting caught were greater. Unfortunately, since most schools that do this kind of thing will not be found out the punishment needs to be severe when they are. When one breaks a rule they weigh the risks and rewards, if the risk of being caught isn't very great the penalty must be severe to serve as a deterrent. So in this situation the punishment should be something similar to what was meted out against Penn State, but with no reprieve.
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no reprieve...? its certainly a quandary the ncaa has created for themselves, if punishment for tacit approval of pedophilia can be brushed aside, then ole miss and baylor have nothing to fear.
no reprieve...? its certainly a quandary the ncaa has created for themselves, if punishment for tacit approval of pedophilia can be brushed aside, then ole miss and baylor have nothing to fear.

Oh I agree what went on at those schools was worse. My point is that the severity of the crime is only part of the consideration for what the penalty should be. The purpose of penalties administered by the NCAA is not to seek justice or enforce restitution, these penalties exist for the purpose of deterrence. In the case of Penn State and Baylor, institutions outside of the NCAA have and will deal with the schools. Ole Miss was engaged in something that is purely an NCAA matter and a very difficult one to prove at that. So the only way for the penalty to be effective as a deterrent is if it is so severe that no school would tempt fate even if they would most likely get away with it.
Damn dude. That is the best idea I have ever seen. Agree with Plano.
Take NU for example...Coach/Boosters cheat, players cheat, whatever the cheating is/was...and the NCAA says: Nebraska loses 4 home games for 2017...first off how many millions is that in revenue to the school...not to mention the town...not to mention how pissed off the fans would be.

I think and have thought that it would be the best punishment. You have season tickets don't you? So now they are either worthless or the school sends you a refund check but there is no home game that weekend.

Now...some brides to be would love it too so that they could plan more fall weddings! ha
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Could you imagine 2-3 yrs no home games bury teams and I would add no official visits on campus
You know, I never even thought about the official visits. That is good too and really you can roll that into the no home games.

Shoot, just taking away one home game would piss the fans and community off.
its a fantastic idea, but would it ever really see the light of day?
its a fantastic idea, but would it ever really see the light of day?

I don't know because I don't know how the process of punishment actually works. What I like about is the that a "small" punishment of even 1 game is still a huge freaking deal. It is also nice because it is easy for this to "follow" the say Freeze bolted Ole Miss right now and went to Baylor (just saying) and the NCAA goes "no problem, now Baylor will lose 5 home games for 2017".
i hear what youre saying, and its valid, the ncaa just seems to be on a different course...
What "crime" do you count as worthy of punishing an entire school, city, state, local businesses, student body, fans and conferences? This doesn't fit the narrative that many have sought which is to directly hold the coaches involved accountable.
What "crime" do you count as worthy of punishing an entire school, city, state, local businesses, student body, fans and conferences? This doesn't fit the narrative that many have sought which is to directly hold the coaches involved accountable.
Well, I think that is something that would need to be determined and of course with a punishment this big I would think that there would be less and less of those crimes but then again who knows.
What "crime" do you count as worthy of punishing an entire school, city, state, local businesses, student body, fans and conferences? This doesn't fit the narrative that many have sought which is to directly hold the coaches involved accountable.
Paying recruits, and players extra benefits. They have to take a stand somewhere. The people responsible would be lynched by their fellow fans if found out.
Paying recruits, and players extra benefits. They have to take a stand somewhere. The people responsible would be lynched by their fellow fans if found out.
See, that was always my thinking too. The public pressure or fear of that pressure might even be enough to stop a lot of it because of the ramifications of losing home games.
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See, that was always my thinking too. The public pressure or fear of that pressure might even be enough to stop a lot of it because of the ramifications of losing home games.
Can you imagine the backlash against a Husker fan caught doing that?
The sad part is, we have some in our fanbase that would do it right now, just because of their hurt feelings. It's quite sad.
I really like the idea of taking away home games. The logistics of doing something like this, however, might prove difficult. Would games be moved to the opponents' venue or some neutral site determined by the NCAA?
I really like the idea of taking away home games. The logistics of doing something like this, however, might prove difficult. Would games be moved to the opponents' venue or some neutral site determined by the NCAA?

I have always thought they would move to the opponents Homefield… Where they would also then collect the extra ticket prices and concessions… I think it is such a huge punishment that it would really slow things down
I'll have to disagree. Doing so would hurt local businesses too much.
But I think that is actually the key part of the punishment… I really think that would make the internal compliance and the athletic director and maybe the head coach because remember in my idea you would follow him to the next school as well that much more powerful. But I completely understand what you are saying and that is a really big issue with it. I don't know what the Lincoln bars make on a game day but I would imagine a place like Barrys brings $30,000? Maybe more?
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See, that was always my thinking too. The public pressure or fear of that pressure might even be enough to stop a lot of it because of the ramifications of losing home games.
If I were a business owner dependent of those home games to stay in business then what difference would any of it make if I were to go out of business because of some jerkwad coach, booster, etc.

Doesn't matter how pissed I'd be or how much public pressure there would be. Damage would already be done if I had to close shop.
remember in my idea you would follow him to the next school as well that much more powerful.
I see what you're saying and in theory it's not a bad idea at all. But again, you would still be potentially destroying a business. Why not just fine the coaches for cheating and ban those same coaches from ever being able to coach college again?
I see what you're saying and in theory it's not a bad idea at all. But again, you would still be potentially destroying a business. Why not just fine the coaches for cheating and ban those same coaches from ever being able to coach college again?
If they could do that I think you would be a great idea!