Hey Sklar, got a broom I can borrow

  • Thread starter anon_umk0ifu6vj6zi
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Hahaha, there's plenty of season left :)

Kinda surprised you guys came out so hot with the bats. That wasn't the M.O. last year for sure.

Regroup...move on. Good series to you guys.
And if the White Sox and Royals finish 1/2 in the division I'm totally ok with that. Can't stand the rest of the division :)
Wish I felt the same. The only ones I can sort of stand are the Twins, and the Indians to a far lesser extent. Detroit and Chicago may as well have USSR across the front of their jerseys. And I am sure your bats will carry that team. Going to be fun for you to watch them this year for sure.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'm a huge Cubs fan and was surprised the Sox played that bad. Skylar, what are you expectations for the rest of the season? I will be very satisfied if the Cubbies get to .500
Originally posted by lilred393:
I'm a huge Cubs fan and was surprised the Sox played that bad. Skylar, what are you expectations for the rest of the season? I will be very satisfied if the Cubbies get to .500
I think Cash is really building something. He's a smart guy and doesn't sacrifice the future for today. I think you'll see some steady improvement over the next couple years and wouldn't be surprised at all to see them really compete in the next couple years (which pains me to say).

As for my boys, well I expect them to be a lot better than last year. They picked up so much in the off season. I still don't know if they have the offense they need, but their pitching should be really good all around. I'd say .500 or better and hoping to still be in the hunt in September.

Love baseball and the hope is there :) Though I think the Royals and Tigers will be tough to supplant.