I was listening to 96.9 KX on the way to work this morning. They have a segment called "Date'em or Dump'em" where they have people call in and say "I went on a date with this guy/girl and he/she won't call me back now. Can you call them and see what's up?" So this morning a guy named Nate called in and said he went on a date with a girl named Tina on Friday night, thought things went well, but now she won't return any of his texts. So the radio hosts call up Tina and asks what's up. Was he rude? Were you not attracted to him? Etc. She proceeds to explain that she's a big Husker fan and throughout the course of the date she found out Nate is a big time BOLIEVER and that that was a deal breaker for her. Those were her exact words and she was dead serious about it too. LMAO! Wonder which of one of the posters here is Nate!