Thanks to those who recognize that I come in peace and at least attempt to give an intelligent point of view. And
@jteten ....I will give you the respect deserved for actually admitting you might have come off as a bit strong...most would just pretend it never happened and abandoned the thread.
Speaking of which (in an attempt to get this back on track) hasn't been hard for me to find topics of interest (to me) on other schools boards lately. If you haven't noticed (ha ha) Harbaugh has been in the news a bit lately. When I go to other boards there are many words I've seen used to describe him with many not being kind (believe it or not you guys are a lot more civil about his personality than most). But here is the thing...Harbaugh it is not unexpected to see people react to him in different ways.
Some might say he "follows the beat of a different drummer"...I would counter he "follows the beat of some guy playing a didgeridoo, with a kazoo sticking out of each nostril and wires attached to his leg that beats a drum attached to his back every time he takes a step." Yeah, maybe a bit of a strange image but it is this analogy or metaphor (not sure which to call it) that might explain the disconnect between myself and jteten.
Jteten, the first mistake I think (imo) is that you came to the conclusion that Harbaugh would act like others: that if roles were reversed he would feel the same way. The second mistake (if I read into the intent of your posts correctly) I think you made is to assume I was trying to be a homer defending him instead of just being a homer trying to explain him who thinks that if someone doesn't like him (after getting the facts or at least an objective opinion) then so be it. I threw out an actual fact: SMSB is a "non-Michigan" controlled camp held in Detroit which among many things gave our biggest rival a large stage in Michigan each year. Now, instead of fighting it, it was embraced. Moreover, Harbaugh looked at that and the fact other schools where doing something more direct (though not technically doing so, they were in spirit "co-hosting" satellite camps in other states) and took it as a challenge (he saw an opportunity) to work even harder and bring it to another level (instead of whining about it like some other coaches did/do). That is the part of his personality I was trying to explain to you...he is weird and wired like that.