Good article on MR and KW


Dec 4, 2007
El Ranchito Dominican Republic
Riley did not make excuses for Williams, he vehemently and publicly condemned his actions multiple times. Riley did not hide or protect Williams, he threw him in the lion’s pit and made him sit in front of the TV cameras and recorders and publicly give a statement to the press after he already gave one in a press release. Riley didn’t point to the fact that Williams’ charge went from a class three felony to a misdemeanor at any time. Instead hewas the one who suggested the harshest punishment he could think of besides firing.

The decision to keep Williams was ultimately, Riley said, for the betterment of the student-athletes off the field, not necessarily on it.

That is, obviously, up for interpretation. But Riley acknowledged the absence of Williams during those four games will hurt Nebraska, and should hurt them, he said. And it should hurt Keith, too, he said.

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Can we please move away from a system where the guy who has a vested interest in how many wins his team earns is put in a position where he is forced to either act against himself or be convicted by the morality police?

If Mike Riley's main job was to teach young men right from wrong then they wouldn't be paying him millions of dollars a year. Chances are, if you're paying your coach a similar amount, then that's not your main priority either. I know it probably sucks to hear that, but it's the truth.
Can we please move away from a system where the guy who has a vested interest in how many wins his team earns is put in a position where he is forced to either act against himself or be convicted by the morality police?

If Mike Riley's main job was to teach young men right from wrong then they wouldn't be paying him millions of dollars a year. Chances are, if you're paying your coach a similar amount, then that's not your main priority either. I know it probably sucks to hear that, but it's the truth.
Its Your truth
I'm not sure I consider this a good article, because I'm not sure what his point is. He dredges up incidents that happened more than 20 years and four staffs ago, and throws in Cook's incident a couple years ago. He indicates everybody in the national media was calling for a firing, and by not doing so it is the same old Nebraska, then in the last paragraph he says Riley is changing the culture. It looks like a thinly-veiled hit piece to me. Oh, and BTW, the rape in Oregon was alleged. Not that I don't think the woman was taken advantage of, but it is unfair to label the perps rapists if they were not convicted.
I'm not sure I consider this a good article, because I'm not sure what his point is. He dredges up incidents that happened more than 20 years and four staffs ago, and throws in Cook's incident a couple years ago. He indicates everybody in the national media was calling for a firing, and by not doing so it is the same old Nebraska, then in the last paragraph he says Riley is changing the culture. It looks like a thinly-veiled hit piece to me. Oh, and BTW, the rape in Oregon was alleged. Not that I don't think the woman was taken advantage of, but it is unfair to label the perps rapists if they were not convicted.
Agree. I thought the article was all over the map
I could follow his logic, made sense where he was going. He didn't list any outlets who were supportive of the decision if there indeed were any.
The more talented a person is, the more chances he's likely to get.

If this was someone like Hank Hughes or a grad assistant getting his 3rd DUI, I'm guessing the punishment would have been more severe.
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The more talented a person is, the more chances he's likely to get.

If this was someone like Hank Hughes or a grad assistant getting his 3rd DUI, I'm guessing the punishment would have been more severe.

hypothetically speaking what if it was ..... oh, I don't know .......say a mediocre head coach of a MAC school who is arrested passed out behind the wheel with his car facing the wrong way and tests showed he was loaded up with GHB???

what do you think would happen? ... I bet they would claim said coach was drugged and let him off with a slap on the wrist .............. bastards

this is all hypothetical of course
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I'm not a fan of Bo Pelini, but if I recall correctly, he was pretty consistent in his treatment of players and coaches, which led to a number of players and coaches being 'let go' from the team.

And were Frank Solich and Bill Callahan renegade coaches in matters of discipline? I think the writer needs to do a little research on the last 20 years, instead of suggesting the mid-90s were just just a few weeks ago.
I'm not a fan of Bo Pelini, but if I recall correctly, he was pretty consistent in his treatment of players and coaches, which led to a number of players and coaches being 'let go' from the team.

And were Frank Solich and Bill Callahan renegade coaches in matters of discipline? I think the writer needs to do a little research on the last 20 years, instead of suggesting the mid-90s were just just a few weeks ago. Bo wasn't consistent. There were some pretty flagrant MJ and alcohol problems that some guys got away with and some didn't. It all depended on whether he liked the kid and how bad he needed him to play. Sanders resigned but if he hadn't I believe Bo would have looked the other way just like he did with Carl. Watson was forced out because he wasn't Bo's trusted buddy.
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Reactions: SeaOfRed75 Bo wasn't consistent. There were some pretty flagrant MJ and alcohol problems that some guys got away with and some didn't. It all depended on whether he liked the kid and how bad he needed him to play. Sanders resigned but if he hadn't I believe Bo would have looked the other way just like he did with Carl. Watson was forced out because he wasn't Bo's trusted buddy.

Bo would not have looked the other way on Sanders. He wouldn't have been able to.

These suspensions or departures were since 2011, I believe, so 4 of Bo's 7 years.

Rickey Thenarse - Suspended for Holiday Bowl for DUI
Baker Steinkuhler - Suspended for Holiday Bowl for DUI
Kevin Gladney - Kicked off team
Max Pirman - Kicked off team
David Santos - Academics?
Ernest Suttles - Hitting D. Santos w/ bottle
Thomas Brown - Unspecified
Jariah Tolbert - Kicked off team
Jared Afalava - Kicked off team
Leroy Alexander - Kicked off team
Avery Moss - Kicked off team
I think the article has some value and gives a bit of the national perspective, and yeah, it does look bad. However, the same can be said for just about every other big time football school in the country. Most of them even worse. But often Nebraska touts it's moral upstanding nature, and so it looks a little bit hypocritical when people get let off the hook easy.
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Bo would not have looked the other way on Sanders. He wouldn't have been able to.

These suspensions or departures were since 2011, I believe, so 4 of Bo's 7 years.

Rickey Thenarse - Suspended for Holiday Bowl for DUI
Baker Steinkuhler - Suspended for Holiday Bowl for DUI
Kevin Gladney - Kicked off team
Max Pirman - Kicked off team
David Santos - Academics?
Ernest Suttles - Hitting D. Santos w/ bottle
Thomas Brown - Unspecified
Jariah Tolbert - Kicked off team
Jared Afalava - Kicked off team
Leroy Alexander - Kicked off team - Didn't happen until after Bo left, right? Wasn't he just suspended for 'roids under Bo and then booted after another failed test under MR?
Avery Moss - Kicked off team - Suspended under Bo, booted under MR, right? And wasn't it pretty much the school, not the coach?
As with Riley and the team visit from Brenda, it is not the job of a coach to determine guilt and mete out punishment. That's what the criminal justice system is for. Is it right what Williams did? No. Does NU have to do something as a show? Yes.

If a person commits a crime and should be punished, then use the legal system to make that happen. There is a segment of the population that tries to get people out of jail and pled down and let them off easy: It's called EVERYONE. If it's wrong, then the people in the CJ system are the ones who need to put a stop to it.
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Bo would not have looked the other way on Sanders. He wouldn't have been able to.

These suspensions or departures were since 2011, I believe, so 4 of Bo's 7 years.

Rickey Thenarse - Suspended for Holiday Bowl for DUI
Baker Steinkuhler - Suspended for Holiday Bowl for DUI
Kevin Gladney - Kicked off team
Max Pirman - Kicked off team
David Santos - Academics?
Ernest Suttles - Hitting D. Santos w/ bottle
Thomas Brown - Unspecified
Jariah Tolbert - Kicked off team
Jared Afalava - Kicked off team
Leroy Alexander - Kicked off team
Avery Moss - Kicked off team
None of them very good save Baker.

Randy Gregory says Bo was a hypocrite. And have heard it wasnt just weed with him.
None of them very good save Baker.

Randy Gregory says Bo was a hypocrite. And have heard it wasnt just weed with him.

Wow. The last 3 were considered very good. And many of the rest were still pretty young.
The point made was that Pelini was inconsistent when administering punishment. Because he, or the Athletic Dept, punished a few "good" players, that doesn't prove he was consistent just that he wasn't completely blind.
Wow. The last 3 were considered very good. And many of the rest were still pretty young.
The point made was that Pelini was inconsistent when administering punishment. Because he, or the Athletic Dept, punished a few "good" players, that doesn't prove he was consistent just that he wasn't completely blind.

I came to dislike Bo a lot, but I don't think he did that bad in terms of disciplining players. Could you provide some examples of his inconsistencies?
I am not going to air dirty laundry on a free message board.

The fact is I really don't have a problem with him being inconsistent. Great players and starters get treated differently. Top employees have a longer leash than marginal ones. That's life. But when one of the players, one that received the preferential treatment, comes out and says Pelini ignored a number of drug issues on the team, depending on who they were, you can't say he was consistent.
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I am not going to air dirty laundry on a free message board.

The fact is I really don't have a problem with him being inconsistent. Great players and starters get treated differently. Top employees have a longer leash than marginal ones. That's life. But when one of the players, one that received the preferential treatment, comes out and says Pelini ignored a number of drug issues on the team, depending on who they were, you can't say he was consistent.

You're taking the word of a guy that has tested positive in college and the NFL more often than not??? OK.. It was clearly stated that if he would have tested positive a 3rd time at Nebraska he would have been booted. And wasn't Bo considered more lenient on booze issues than drug issues?

I can fault with Bo on a lot of other things other than his discipline. We didn't have any major blowups in the media regarding discipline or NCAA violations under Bo, which to me means he did OK in my book on that front.
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I am not going to air dirty laundry on a free message board.

The fact is I really don't have a problem with him being inconsistent. Great players and starters get treated differently. Top employees have a longer leash than marginal ones. That's life. But when one of the players, one that received the preferential treatment, comes out and says Pelini ignored a number of drug issues on the team, depending on who they were, you can't say he was consistent.
I don't have a problem with it either. No one really does, people like to act like they do.
And who's word are you taking that RG only had two failed drug tests at Nebraska? He failed 4 in 6 months after leaving Nebraska. Secondly, You are assuming the lack of other suspensions is proof that no other suspensions were warranted. Well if they weren't suspended then they did nothing wrong kind of defense.

To believe that every transgression was punished the same, or even punished at all, is a bit naive. Like I said before, I don't have a problem with inconsistent punishment.

You're taking the word of a guy that has tested positive in college and the NFL more often than not??? OK.. It was clearly stated that if he would have tested positive a 3rd time at Nebraska he would have been booted. And wasn't Bo considered more lenient on booze issues than drug issues?

I can fault with Bo on a lot of other things other than his discipline. We didn't have any major blowups in the media regarding discipline or NCAA violations under Bo, which to me means he did OK in my book on that front.
Bo would not have looked the other way on Sanders. He wouldn't have been able to.

These suspensions or departures were since 2011, I believe, so 4 of Bo's 7 years.

Rickey Thenarse - Suspended for Holiday Bowl for DUI
Baker Steinkuhler - Suspended for Holiday Bowl for DUI
Kevin Gladney - Kicked off team
Max Pirman - Kicked off team
David Santos - Academics?
Ernest Suttles - Hitting D. Santos w/ bottle
Thomas Brown - Unspecified
Jariah Tolbert - Kicked off team
Jared Afalava - Kicked off team
Leroy Alexander - Kicked off team
Avery Moss - Kicked off team
Bo didn't kick Avery moss off the team. The university took care of that. Randy Gregory supposedly had 3 positive MJ tests and he MIGHT have missed one game because of it. Santos quit school. Aflava flunked out he wasn't kicked off the team by Bo. Alexander transferred. And Bo would have most certainly kept Marvin.
Bo didn't kick Avery moss off the team. The university took care of that. Randy Gregory supposedly had 3 positive MJ tests and he MIGHT have missed one game because of it. Santos quit school. Aflava flunked out he wasn't kicked off the team by Bo. Alexander transferred. And Bo would have most certainly kept Marvin.

Santos was the one who flunked out. Alexander didn't transfer because he chose to. He was suspended for the entire 2014 season for weed or PEDs, whichever you choose to believe. Bo didn't have the opportunity to keep Marvin. There was no way he was staying after his 'offense.'

From LJS...

"In the case of Afalava, he did not make the bowl trip for what Pelini called a violation of team rules."
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