Had to be "go kick some ****ing ass" or very similar.I wonder what Pipers mom said???
I bet she took a page from Coach JB on Last Chance U. **** these dudesI wonder what Pipers mom said???
I bet she took a page from Coach JB on Last Chance U. **** these dudes
Reddit (who’s never wrong, right?) is saying she said, ‘**** ‘em up.’Had to be "go kick some ****ing ass" or very similar.
Thanks for posting this. I might be wrong, but I think Rhule really believes and feels every word he spoke. He's very gifted to be able to convey these thoughts so passionately. 👍👍
I used to have to public speak for my job. At first I'd write down the whole speech and practice and practice my speech and be petrified when I got in front of people. As I got better at it I would write down a list of points I wanted to make and talk to them, looking at the list occasionally. When I got really good I'd pick a theme, think about it for a few minutes before show time and talk to the theme using standard concepts, phrases and stories I pulled out of a "grab bag". I wasn't nervous because wasn't trying to read off a sheet of paper or note cards, just talking using concepts I had talked about many times before.I literally thought I was watching a movie when he was giving that speech. Who would have ever thought to turn breast cancer awareness into a pre-game speech? Turned to my wife and said, these speeches seem like some hollywood writer did them. Nuts. Guy has a real gift in that department.
Reddit (who’s never wrong, right?) is saying she said, ‘**** ‘em up.’
If true, that is awesome.
Ask Coach Rhule to help ya. By the time he's done your kids will do all the chores. Homework done, do your taxes, run through your fence. Rebuild the fence and be asking for more!!GD. Did this guy just turn breast cancer awareness month into a motivational speech to kick the shit out of Purdue? What a boss. I wish I could hire him to motivate my kids to do their homework when they get off the bus.
Who else gets goosebumps every time the Day-by-Day prayer is said? 20:45 N
Who else gets goosebumps every time the Day-by-Day prayer is said? 20:45 N
Many years ago I was invited to play in an NU Regents’ staff golf tournament/luncheon. All good until their then lobbyist Bill Swanson without any warning asked me if I would lead the group in a prayer. Matt Rhule, I am not.Son of a preacher, I bet his dad put em in the isle's !
I would like to know if Rhule is adding intensity because he needs to after years of blah football. If his speeches suddenly become less fiery because the team has finally popped their heads all the way out of their butts, it may not make as good of watchin' material.Never been a huge YouTuber but free NU football stuff from multiple sources is great. This NU-produced series is my favorite though Rhule suggested they would do less next year as recruits get to know us better. That is a mistake. This is a great recruiting tool and great for fans, too.