I highly doubt Nate Clouse will throw any coach under the bus in a public setting. I was a member for a short time on the paid site last year & I don't recall him throwing gas on the fire [otherwise known as Hank Hughes]. It may have happened, I didn't read it though. @GBRhuskers
I've only listened on the radio, but recruiting analysts have been known to talk about recruiting deficiencies very publically in a way that is direct, but not offensive. Hughes was a topic of seemingly nightly conversation on 1620 between the various services, and why he couldn't recruit well.
Davis has not come up a bunch as a topic of conversation, I believe on one radio interview they did say he does actually recruit pretty well and is generally only responsible for one guy a year so he'll never be at the fore of recruiting conversation.
But in general, if Davis didn't have the personality or effort, the recruiting analysts in the past have never been shy about indicating it. @GBRhuskers
Will someone please ask Nate about RB recruiting and Coach Davis in general? Be interesting to get his direct take. @GBRhuskers