
Schuele is correct about that play being the Bummeroosky. Tom Osborne first pulled that on a punt at Mizzou in the mid 70's I believe. Even the cameraman was completely fooled, as was the entire Mizzou punt return team. If I remember right John O'Leary scored, but that was a long time ago.

The fumbleroosky was outlawed when they ruled you can't intentionally fumble a ball forward. You can still backward I believe, similar to doing a backward bounce pass and then making a forward pass from there as long as its behind the line of scrimmage.
Be a little more people observant. Look at the circle. He SHIT his pants.
It's a sin for Husker fans to not know the difference between the Fumblerooski and the Boomerrooski.

I only titled the thread that way because that's what it's called in the video. ;)

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