Forum update


Nebraska Legend
Sep 4, 2004
Arlington, TX
sucks. I thought I was visiting the Penn State board there for a sec. You hover over your username and it used to automatically go to the alerts if you hovered over that. Now, you have to leave where you are at and click the alerts where it takes you to another window. And you are missing all the red and formatting. You guys had it so well done and then you went and screwed it up. I realize that this is not a mod thing. It was obviously just an update to the message board software, but... site admin please see what you can do to fix this. Obviously the blue has got to go. Blech.
Those black banners need to bleed red as well. Mike, can you do anything to make the changes so that it looks like our board again?
Yahoo has shown that they aren't up to the task of running this network. Frankly, they took a pretty good board format and screwed it up. When I go to the schedule page, it pisses me off all over again. It takes forever to load the scores, you can't link to other teams' schedules, and will we ever have a depth chart again?
I think Yahoo was just sold to Verizon, not that it has anything to do with this update, but I'm likely going to be looking for a different email provider.
sucks. I thought I was visiting the Penn State board there for a sec. You hover over your username and it used to automatically go to the alerts if you hovered over that. Now, you have to leave where you are at and click the alerts where it takes you to another window. And you are missing all the red and formatting. You guys had it so well done and then you went and screwed it up. I realize that this is not a mod thing. It was obviously just an update to the message board software, but... site admin please see what you can do to fix this. Obviously the blue has got to go. Blech.

I'm hoping that since Verizon bought Yahoo that some things will get updated & reformated.
Ya, not a fan, so much wasted space and the main page of the forum looks smaller. Sick

Now the alerts issue, yuk, someone fix the mess.
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