Does Nebraska have a top 10 message board???

Divorced 8 times and he had herpes, which he never told my ex about of course.....ask me how I know?

...cause one of his ex wives showed up at my door and told me, and I promptly told my ex's mom, who got ahold of my ex, who happened to be on an over night trip with him, and she left him that night and came home.
Dude... you need to write a script. This is remarkable. It writes itself.
So you were seeing a marriage counselor who was divorced 8 times? Is your plumber just covered in shit and piss?

I didn't know at the time. $4.95 background check produced 8 pages....pages....of run ins with the law and divorces....he didn't even have a lisc to do it any longer because it was when I call him a marriage counselor it's being very generous.
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