And the city of Cleveland. Its been a long time waiting. Bad enough you have to live in Cleveland.
Congrats to Coach Lue. I bet he doesn't hate Lebron as much as those in this thread. MVP for very obvious reasons.
Absolutely. Pure greatness.I'm happy for LB. I've been rooting for him since he decided to go back to the Cav's. His emotion knowing he ended a 52 year drought for his fans had to be genuine. Coming home put a lot of pressure on himself, and coming back from a 3-1 deficit is legendary.
Glad for coach Lue.
Glad for Lebron, Irving and the rest of the Cavs as well.
LeBron is everything an NBA star should be. All he wants to do is win championships. He was anointed as the 2nd coming by age 15, and the only real complaint folks can muster up against him is a misguided free agency announcement (at a boys and girls club). Went to Miami to win titles....did it. Went back to Cleveland to win a championship....did it. I look forward to the next step in his journey. I hope he stays healthy to accomplish everything he is capable of.