just returned from the Clemson regional. My baseball comments are in that thread, but I also wanted to note that the Clemson fans were absolutely the friendliest I've ever encountered. Everyone welcomed us to Clemson verbally. At the Esso, their landmark bar, two good ole boys after one beer invited us to their fall tailgate (in lot 666!) with complimentary food and drink starting at 9:00 am for any home game. They left and an older couple took their seats. After one more beer he (a Clemson o-lineman from the 1970s) invited us to their lake house for drinks. However, in our conversation he politely insisted that the Fridge and another big interior d-lineman pretty much dominated Rimington in the 1981 (?) game. I just responded that that's not what I recall or what I've heard, but I don't really remember. Who does?