Broncos Parade


Jan 8, 2007
Just got back. I must say it was cool experience to sing "We are the Champions" with a million other people. Literally.
Beautiful day for it. I caught the very beginning of the parade at 17th and Blake, but didn't make my way to the Civic Center for the big celebration. Anxious to see some aerial photos of 17th Street that capture the huge crowd.
Looks like the Kansas City Royals parade back, only orange. Not a Bronco fan, but happy for Denver because I know how much a championship parade means to a city (I'm a die-hard Royal). Sports are awesome.
The estimates of 1 million were grossly exaggerated. 600,000 is more accurate.
Did you see the mile long parade route with people on both sides of the street (30 deep). A Million people is not an exaggeration. If you mean Just at the Rally......maybe 600,000.
We hung out at the rally in the Civic Center just in front of the stage. We thought that would be best because they had bands playing leading up to the main event, but the price we had to pay was standing on a spot for 5 hours without relief. The main event could have been a lot better if the politicians would have shut up, and if they would have let the players say whatever they wanted instead of responding to a specific question or two. But what made it cool was the volume of the crowd, and the unique way for a casual fan to feel connected to the team/accomplishment.
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Bet a non contact high was obtained by every little donkey child in the crowd!
Aww all the little donkey lipses in the crowd.
Just got back. I must say it was cool experience to sing "We are the Champions" with a million other people. Literally.

Just because someone is your wife and your cousin, does not mean you get to count them twice.
