Bobby Knight passes away

chair throw GIF
Game over. RIP.
Helluva coach. Just a bit over the top at times. Most of the time that is.
Ehhh, dude coached for like 40 years...people can probably point to 5-10 times that were "bad" while dudes that played for him can point to like 5000 times that were good.
Neil Reed who Bobby Knight choked during practice died in 2012. Hope his family is at peace today knowing the asshole that could have killed their family member is now dead. Remember Bobby Knight also denied doing it until it was proven on video.

Knight is a POS and him winning basketball games doesn't change that.
Ehhh, dude coached for like 40 years...people can probably point to 5-10 times that were "bad" while dudes that played for him can point to like 5000 times that were good.
Many coaches coach for a really long time and aren't abusive assholes. It is never ok to choke a player.
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Many coaches coach for a really long time and aren't abusive assholes. It is never ok to choke a player.
It’s not and he paid a price. For some not enough of one for sure. I can see the greatness that he did and want to have that to be able to do for others and see his faults and shortcomings and want to not do those myself.
Many coaches coach for a really long time and aren't abusive assholes. It is never ok to choke a player.
You‘re right on this he over step his boundaries with him No question, but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t one of the best college basketball coaches..
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Lots of smart successful talented people are/were assholes. He could definitely be that.
It's also great to remember he was a coach from a different time.
Your current sensibilities are irrelevant to their time.
Sorry dear moral outrage you don't get to erase history for everybody.
Bob Knight was a character. He often went too far but he was a good guy for the most part and a terrific coach. He gave my dad and I many a chuckle over his blowups in press conferences.
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Many coaches coach for a really long time and aren't abusive assholes. It is never ok to choke a player.
Of course it isn't.

Is it okay to call people names (No), is it okay to speed (no), is it okay to look at porn that your wife doesn't know about (yeah, but still)

We all do things that range from bad to horrible.
He was good sound basketball coach..what’s your problem didn’t like someone chewing your azz when you played..

poor baby.
Might be a generational thing. I was coached by a Bobby Knight in every sport every year. Knight represents the mindset you'd encounter in every sport. Its not surprising a younger generation would find him scary and mean. Retreat to your safe space.
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Neil Reed who Bobby Knight choked during practice died in 2012. Hope his family is at peace today knowing the asshole that could have killed their family member is now dead. Remember Bobby Knight also denied doing it until it was proven on video.

Knight is a POS and him winning basketball games doesn't change that.
so you knew him personally?
Might be a generational thing. I was coached by a Bobby Knight in every sport every year. Knight represents the mindset you'd encounter in every sport. Its not surprising a younger generation would find him scary and mean. Retreat to your safe space.
This is 100% true. Back in the day it was a lot of military type training. A lot of people got their start in the military because of the times. Of course they were going to be hard because their training meant life and death and it worked. They then applied that to sports. Today's youth are weak. This is why we have declined.
Many coaches coach for a really long time and aren't abusive assholes. It is never ok to choke a player.
It was 40 years ago, evidently. It’s also a fireable offense now to call a person their biological sex if they wish to be labeled otherwise, and this was deemed un-scientific and flat out ridiculous what, 10 years ago?

Was Woody Hayes a worthless POS, too? Because he was fiery and didn’t fit your cookie cutter Mike Riley Coach mold?
Might be a generational thing. I was coached by a Bobby Knight in every sport every year. Knight represents the mindset you'd encounter in every sport. Its not surprising a younger generation would find him scary and mean. Retreat to your safe space.
I'd take that one step further and say every crap job I had growing up had a Bobby Knight somewhere in the organization who was abusive and almost never satisfied.
What a bunch of hype. The comment in this thread about how the player could have been killed is pretty funny.

Well, I guess my freshman football coach came within a whisker of killing us all.
Knight had his hands around his neck for all of two seconds. Everyone, with a small exception, under the age of 35, would have died on the Oregon Trail a couple of miles out of St. Joseph. Maybe in the covered wagon before they started moving. We lose some toughness with each generation due to technology but it's gotten out of hand.

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