A huge thank you

I've been to a vets breakfast celebration at our local committee on aging, only 2 WWII vets able to attend.
We still have a good # of Korean vets, but they too are getting feeble. The 'Nam vets are starting to hobble around, we had no younger vets in attendence.

History is right before my eyes. God Bless all that passed, served & continue to make our country the best on earth. Thank You!!
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I've always been told you salty dogs had the best chow! :)

Thanks boxes!
It depended, if we are sea or in port. Our mess specialist were hit and miss on how good chow could be. It is really good thing that my Hy-Vee does for all military, they give 5% discount everyday at their store. Its those little things that most vets appreciate the most.
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Should have gotten here a little earlier :p
Thanks Romanman. I think i heard a sailor say, "fair winds and calm seas to you".
Hy-Vee is excellent, that policy to vets shows me just another reason to believe it.

I hope you & the bride made it in boxes, Looks like you folks are trying to get out of NK!

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