The invasion of Normandy by Allied Forces happened 72 years ago. The sea turned red with blood from the soldiers who were shot. The courage those 18-20 year old boys showed that day was unbelievable. I am sure there will be movies on tv about the event today, but there is no way to show the brutality and the sounds of war. Imagine 1000's of guns firing all around you and the screams of the dying and wounded.
If you know or knew someone who landed at the beaches or fought anywhere in WWII I doubt they told many stories about the war. These young men came home and went to work building this nation and raising their families. To all who were involved in this great event, thank you.
There are only 2 things I would travel to France to see. Lourdes for religious purposes and the beaches of Normandy. Walking through the cemetery at Normandy would bring tears to my eyes as I would be like Pvt Ryan. Asking if I had lived a life worthy of the sacrifices these men made for me.
If you know or knew someone who landed at the beaches or fought anywhere in WWII I doubt they told many stories about the war. These young men came home and went to work building this nation and raising their families. To all who were involved in this great event, thank you.
There are only 2 things I would travel to France to see. Lourdes for religious purposes and the beaches of Normandy. Walking through the cemetery at Normandy would bring tears to my eyes as I would be like Pvt Ryan. Asking if I had lived a life worthy of the sacrifices these men made for me.