3 undefeated teams go down to unranked opponents, don't tell me we're not top 10


Jul 15, 2016
Unranked Wyoming beats #13 Boise State.

Unranked Oklahoma State beat #10 WVU.

Unranked Texas beats #8 Baylor.

Oh, and everyone's [media] darling in the pre-season lost to unranked South Carolina tonight.

Wisconsin to #7, Nebraska to #8. What do you think?
Unranked Wyoming beats #13 Boise State.

Unranked Oklahoma State beat #10 WVU.

Unranked Texas beats #8 Baylor.

Oh, and everyone's [media] darling in the pre-season lost to unranked South Carolina tonight.

Wisconsin to #7, Nebraska to #8. What do you think?
But..but the same people who said we would win 7 games this year are pissed we aren't winning them all and going to the National title game!! LOL..Morons!!
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Agree. We took a team to overtime that we weren't even supposed to be on the field with according to some. Hell, the ESPN guys at halftime acted shocked we were still in the game. I'm proud of this team. they keep fighting.
I think people can stop saying we've played nobody. We got jobbed in overtime on the road against a top 15 team. We beat Northwestern on the road, and they just nearly knocked off Ohio State, at Ohio State. Then Wyoming just beat a top 15 team, who was undefeated.
considering we are a passing team with a run pass qb,
we haven't had a workhorse back since ameer,
the oline was injured, and not deep to start with,
the dline was cleaned out by the pros, and are passrush less
the lb's are one year removed from pathetic, (except that walk-on)
the db's..they seem the same.
and the past coach left a a bit thin at spot and in depth.
I thought we did pretty good. but there's not a lot of time for thinking osu is next.
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I love the "quality loss'. that cracked me up.
A loss to Wisconsin is the same as a loss to South Carolina? I get it, a loss is a loss, but losing to a 2016 Wisconsin team isn't nearly as bad as losing to a 2016 S. Carolina team. Not even close....
I agree to a point, but the problem is we also barely beat a terrible Oregon team and a terrible Purdue team as well as a bad Indiana team.

Oregon wasn't terrible when we played them.

I do find it interesting you don't mention Wyoming. You know, Craig Bohl's team that just beat undefeated #13 Boise. Or, Northwestern, who's rebounded well after their loss to Nebraska.
People can bitch about this and that all they want. All I know is it's a great feeling to be relevant again and yes we are damn close to being a consistent top 10 program! No more total meltdowns and getting smoked by 40.
Because we have a real coach now. Calm cool and collected. Not a slobbering, pissing, ranting and raving lunatic on the sidelines!! GO RILEY GO!! We love ya
I agreed with that part of the post, that's why. Those are good wins, but that's not the whole story.

The whole story is, Nebraska is 7-1, and should remain in the top 10.

I'm curious, if you disagree, who and why should be higher than us at #8. A strong case could be made for Florida State, if they win tonight. Other than FSU, who? And why?

I'm not looking for an argument but instead, good discussion.
I don't think we should or deserve to drop below #10. We are still in really good shape in the West and have another huge opportunity next week. OSU game should be another really close one. It's not like they're some juggernaut right now. Win that and we'll forget Wisconsin really quick!
I don't think we should or deserve to drop below #10. We are still in really good shape in the West and have another huge opportunity next week. OSU game should be another really close one. It's not like they're some juggernaut right now. Win that and we'll forget Wisconsin really quick!

Wisconsin is due for an emotional letdown after the games they've had the past 5 weeks, and NW is hot. Would not be shocking at all to see NW win next week at home. Huskers need to figure out how to get over this one quickly. Hope we have enough depth to survive the next few weeks. The Gophers suck but they have a big OL and tough RBs---not going to be an easy out given the state of our O.
Unranked Wyoming beats #13 Boise State.

Unranked Oklahoma State beat #10 WVU.

Unranked Texas beats #8 Baylor.

Oh, and everyone's [media] darling in the pre-season lost to unranked South Carolina tonight.

Wisconsin to #7, Nebraska to #8. What do you think?

We should have beaten them.
Wisconsin was a beat up team tonight, we've played Mich State, Mich, OSU, Iowa in our last four games, it doesn't get more physical than that, additionally we're playing a Frahman QG and we have a very young team, few seniors, almost none except a Biegel & Shelton on defense.
Next year is our big year, especially if Ramcyk and Watt stay in school.
Keep in mind this is based on the Coaches poll (we're currently tied with Baylor for 6th)...

I think we drop behind Ohio State, Texas A&M, Wisconsin and Florida. Maybe Florida State as well if they hold off to win against Clemson.

My bad, I was going off the AP. I can buy a #10 spot, but not lower than that unless FSU holds on. It seems as if a "good loss" means something more this year. Or, it has through 8 weeks. We'll find out soon enough.
Wisconsin is due for an emotional letdown after the games they've had the past 5 weeks, and NW is hot. Would not be shocking at all to see NW win next week at home. Huskers need to figure out how to get over this one quickly. Hope we have enough depth to survive the next few weeks. The Gophers suck but they have a big OL and tough RBs---not going to be an easy out given the state of our O.

NW gives us fits.
Our smart student-athletes have no edge over their smart student-athletes, that being said, thus is a very resilient team, doubt if there's a let down, if we can beat NW and you lose to OSU, Badgers are in the drivers seat for the west, we know what is at stake.
Beat NW and we're going to Indy.
Wisconsin was a beat up team tonight, we've played Mich State, Mich, OSU, Iowa in our last four games, it doesn't get more physical than that, additionally we're playing a Frahman QG and we have a very young team, few seniors, almost none except a Biegel & Shelton on defense.
Next year is our big year, especially if Ramcyk and Watt stay in school.
You mention Michigan State. Really? People make fun of our win against Oregon-at least they have 3 wins now.
You mention Michigan State. Really? People make fun of our win against Oregon-at least they have 3 wins now.
  1. Oregon beat the crap out of ASU today. Kind of looked like an aha moment for them.
  2. We thumped Wyoming and they abused Boise State today.
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Glad you can give us credit for that, because you don't have any faith in the team the rest of the season.
Our O line is a disaster. With Farmer down now, we're really on thin ice. I have faith that this team will give it their all, I'm just not sure that our O line is going to be able to get the job done. I don't think I can EVER remember this many injuries to our O line in the last 45 years.
Our O line is a disaster. With Farmer down now, we're really on thin ice. I have faith that this team will give it their all, I'm just not sure that our O line is going to be able to get the job done. I don't think I can EVER remember this many injuries to our O line in the last 45 years.
Well, how the heck do you think we were so close to winning this game? I mean, the offensive line played a lot better than they did last week. It's not like we are facing defenses like this the rest of the season either. Again, how can you watch this game and think that this team will fade down the stretch? Were you not impressed with anything? Faith that the team "will give it their all". Well, great! That's like telling your child that you have faith they are going to win that great participation trophy. You have no real faith in this team at all. Only a real a$$ could watch this game and then proudly say we are going to lose several more games this season.
Well, how the heck do you think we were so close to winning this game? I mean, the offensive line played a lot better than they did last week. It's not like we are facing defenses like this the rest of the season either. Again, how can you watch this game and think that this team will fade down the stretch? Were you not impressed with anything? Faith that the team "will give it their all". Well, great! That's like telling your child that you have faith they are going to win that great participation trophy. You have no real faith in this team at all. Only a real a$$ could watch this game and then proudly say we are going to lose several more games this season.
OK. You win. But this game turned out just about like I thought it would and I think there's at least one more like it going forward.
OK. You win. But this game turned out just about like I thought it would and I think there's at least one more like it going forward.
I am so totally confused. This game turned out about like you thought it would-and that gives you no faith for the rest of the season? The game that probably at least 3/4 of the people around the country, including a lot of our own fans were sure we would lose, and many thought we would lose by much more than we did(and certainly not take it to OT?). I mean we had one of our own fans say the other day that we had no chance to win because of the OL injuries. Did that game look like a team that had no chance to win? How could somebody watch this game and NOT be impressed and have MORE faith for the rest of the season? Heck, before this game, I was thinking probably 1 more loss, maybe 2. Now I'm thinking going 4-0 is a definite possibility, especially after seeing how Ohio State has been playing recently. Even if we lose that one, I am very confident of winning all the rest.
Frankly, I think you're just loving playing the pessimist and getting attention for it. Hey look! We played an impressive game, but I;m going to be different and going to predict we tank the rest of the season. Haha-what do you all think about that!?
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We won't be debating this point much longer if our senior qb can't do better than 12-31 with two picks.
Us, BU, WVU, and Boise all drop. Baylor and WVU freefall. Wiscy, FSU (close quality loss to top tier opponent), and Florida leap frog us. Do pollsters believe a 7-1 NU is better than a 6-2 Auburn? My guess is "no", so Auburn also moves ahead of us. Do pollsters believe a 7-1 NU is better than a 6-2 OU? Coinflip?

My guess we end up 11th. At least to me, our ranking does not mean that much for this week. We play OhSU next.
Our O line is a disaster. With Farmer down now, we're really on thin ice. I have faith that this team will give it their all, I'm just not sure that our O line is going to be able to get the job done. I don't think I can EVER remember this many injuries to our O line in the last 45 years.
Whittaker filled in nicely for Farmer so I'm not too worried there. The big key is getting our tackles 100% and getting Carter back will be huge! Hopefully we'll get healthier every week now.
Us, BU, WVU, and Boise all drop. Baylor and WVU freefall. Wiscy, FSU (close quality loss to top tier opponent), and Florida leap frog us. Do pollsters believe a 7-1 NU is better than a 6-2 Auburn? My guess is "no", so Auburn also moves ahead of us. Do pollsters believe a 7-1 NU is better than a 6-2 OU? Coinflip?

My guess we end up 11th. At least to me, our ranking does not mean that much for this week. We play OhSU next.
How does a 3 loss FSU team that got blown out by Louisville go ahead of us?
We weren't a top 10 before the loss. This team is just too inconsistent.
Honestly-you look at the other teams and the flaws they have, and it isn't quite so obvious as you think. People are really good at finding our own flaws-yet they often overlook or forget other teams's flaws.
Honestly-you look at the other teams and the flaws they have, and it isn't quite so obvious as you think. People are really good at finding our own flaws-yet they often overlook or forget other teams's flaws.

Yeah, I see what you're saying. But we seem to be struggling to find our identity as our games get tougher. We need to be able to hang our hat on something...
I am so totally confused. This game turned out about like you thought it would-and that gives you no faith for the rest of the season? The game that probably at least 3/4 of the people around the country, including a lot of our own fans were sure we would lose, and many thought we would lose by much more than we did(and certainly not take it to OT?). I mean we had one of our own fans say the other day that we had no chance to win because of the OL injuries. Did that game look like a team that had no chance to win? How could somebody watch this game and NOT be impressed and have MORE faith for the rest of the season? Heck, before this game, I was thinking probably 1 more loss, maybe 2. Now I'm thinking going 4-0 is a definite possibility, especially after seeing how Ohio State has been playing recently. Even if we lose that one, I am very confident of winning all the rest.
Frankly, I think you're just loving playing the pessimist and getting attention for it. Hey look! We played an impressive game, but I;m going to be different and going to predict we tank the rest of the season. Haha-what do you all think about that!?
nothing to be confused about at all. I thought we would lose a close one to Wisconsin. I expect us to lose to OSU and struggle against MInnesota, Iowa and maybe even Maryland. I think we lose at least one more game and probably 2 more. Still a good season, not just as good as it could have been without all the offensive line injuries.
Whittaker filled in nicely for Farmer so I'm not too worried there. The big key is getting our tackles 100% and getting Carter back will be huge! Hopefully we'll get healthier every week now.
IMO we are looking at things through rose colored glasses if we really think our O line played ok. I know they're bustin their asses but they didn't get it done consistently enough to compensate for mistakes by other guys. Team loss. We needed to play a clean game and we didn't in part because we couldn't run it consistently and Tommy made some bad decisions IMO because he was under constant pressure. JMHO.
Because we have a real coach now. Calm cool and collected. Not a slobbering, pissing, ranting and raving lunatic on the sidelines!! GO RILEY GO!! We love ya

Amen brother!! Riley is pushing all the right buttons right now, the loss is like a victory
IMO we are looking at things through rose colored glasses if we really think our O line played ok. I know they're bustin their asses but they didn't get it done consistently enough to compensate for mistakes by other guys. Team loss. We needed to play a clean game and we didn't in part because we couldn't run it consistently and Tommy made some bad decisions IMO because he was under constant pressure. JMHO.
If the O line didn't play at least OK, then how did we manage 152 rushing yards, 50 above the average their defense was giving up?