
  1. HuskerDocCO

    Ot: uprootin to west Phoenix valley, Arizona

    hi farmers, been a minute. Been practicing my tailgatin skills this summer and plum thought about movin from bernie, Colorado to the west Phoenix valley area. sold the farm, fillin up my hucksack and movin in a few weeks. (Brought my picket signs because we will be close to California) any recs...
  2. HuskerDocCO

    Ot- when does the young studly nickelback comit today

    me and red were wondering
  3. HuskerDocCO

    0t-poll how much do we miss our team

    uncertainty is the new nickname of our country at this time. seein the glory of those videos of the boys workin out makes me squirm w delight and sadness knowing we may never see them in person again. Only thing “live” right now in our country is farmer hermsens bait.
  4. HuskerDocCO

    ot-time change

    farmers, im all bent out of shape w the time change. Dairy cows(daisey and Pam) were moo’ing loud bc my old fat farmer butt slept in and forgut about the time change. anyone have similar problems this mornin? luckily I won’t sleep in for church or weekly coffee w old red. gbr