Welcome to the new message boards on Rivals.com.
We’ve provided several How To threads so you can familiarize yourself with the new tools and features of the new message boards.
In this help topic, we’ll go over
following users,
watching threads,
ignoring users and managing your
alert notifications.
How do I change my general Alert preferences?
You can customize what actions on the message board will trigger an Alert notification.
By clicking the “flag” you can check out your Alerts
You can manage these Alerts from your drop-down menu that appears when you hover over your username in the top right hand corner.
Alert Preferences
Within this menu, you are given several options to choose what you are notified via the Alerts tool in the top right hand corner of every page.
You can choose from a variety of alerts including if users reply to a thread you’re watching, someone quotes your message in a reply, likes your message or follows you.
How do I keep track of a thread that I want to revisit later?
At the top of any thread that you are viewing, you will see an option to “Watch Thread.”
Watch Thread
You will receive an option to receive email notifications when there are new replies to that thread.
Any thread that you are watching can be tracked in a variety of ways.
1. Click “Watched Threads” at the top of the board. You can see any watched threads that have unread posts within it since you last viewed it. You can also view all Watched Threads, regardless if you have read them since they were replied to.
2. Alerts: Any threads that you are watching will deliver an “Alert” notification that you can check in the top right hand corner of the page at any time.
By clicking the “flag” you can check out the alerts of threads you’re watching.
How do I follow a specific user so that I can keep track of their posts?
Within a thread that you are viewing, click the username that you want to follow.
You will be presented with an option to “Follow” in the pop-up profile that appears.
You can manage those that you follow in your drop-down menu that appears when you hover over your username in the top right hand corner.
People You Follow.
If you’re looking to track the posts that users you follow have participated in, click “Your News Feed” in that same drop-down menu.