why the NCAA hate?


Offensive Coordinator
Jun 23, 2010
help me understand, I never had a problem with the ncaa...I know Nebraska got in trouble for a ham sandwich, and buying some school books for poor players...
ok fine..whatever..playball..

but when I hear alot of teams fans they hate the NCAA with all their might...
baylor fan hates the ncaa that because the ncaa was picking on them? or because rape is bad?
the sec hates the that because the ncaa is picking on them? or because the sec cheated alot?
ohio state and usc hates the ncaa, is that because the ncaa was picking on them, or because they were cheating alot?

please make the reason for ncaa hate clear to me...
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The NCAA dispenses favoritism and punishment unequally. Certain conferences (cough *SEC* cough) and certain teams (Michigan, Alabama) seem to be the beneficiaries of years-long investigations that either conclude no wrongdoing or minimal punishment. Justice delayed is justice denied. Anyway, that's a major beef a lot of folks seem to have.
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It’s an inconsistent governing body that can’t get out of its own way. They change the rules, apply them inconsistently and bafflingly make some quick rulings at times and then turn around and take their sweet time on others. The schools have no recourse when the ncaa drops the ball. There’s no accountability. And now that the courts have gotten involved and complicated things, the ncaa wants to pass the burden on to the government to make decisions for them. The whole NIL, portal, pay to play, tampering and major college athletics are a mess and the ncaa is MIA on finding solutions to help the institutions they serve. Look at Michigan’s cheating scandal. They’ve given no information or insight into what theyll do with that. So Michigan gave themselves penalties in hopes the ncaa will leave them alone. What kind of messed up logic is that? Or how about the UNC wide receiver that missed half the season waiting on an eligibility ruling? Why did that take MONTHS?!?
I am not defending the NCAA.

The reality is we really have no clue about the facts in most of the cases "we hear about". How could I say the NCAA is playing favorites if I do not know the facts, I mean actual facts that can be proven.

That said, I had a vendor contact me when I ran a school whose son was an NCAA attorney. He was one of the investigators in the USC mess with Pete Carroll. All the dad said was the son told him something to the affect it was more widespread and much worse than the public knew.

In this day and age, I am always dubious about what I hear/read until it is proven. That's just me though.
the honest answer is most people don't know why

they see a bureaucracy and hate it because it makes them feel like a champion for the little people

Yup. The NCAA is weak because the member schools WANT it to be weak.

You can get rid of the NCAA, but you will still need a new governing body to make sure teams follow the rules.
When the NCAA moved its headquarters from Kansas City to Indianapolis, the Kansas City Star wrote a scathing criticism of the corruption and cronyism of it. Having profited from having that organization in their city for 50 years, it seemed like sour grapes to me. But the issues raised by the article were valid. Lots of private jets, expensive hotels, and skyboxes for NCAA executives to get their palms greased.
They are wildly inconsistent with punishments. Ohio State player trades some swag for tattoos and major punishments. Auburn gets caught paying Cam Newton’s dad and nothing. Mich gets caught red handed cheating and nothing..

Basketball is even worse..
They are wildly inconsistent with punishments. Ohio State player trades some swag for tattoos and major punishments. Auburn gets caught paying Cam Newton’s dad and nothing. Mich gets caught red handed cheating and nothing..

Basketball is even worse..
The problem is that it is a voluntary organization with no investigative authority. All infractions are self-reported. It's like asking criminals to not only turn themselves in, but research the laws broken and act as their own prosecutors and jury. Little wonder the rules are so inconsistently applied.
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The problem is that it is a voluntary organization with no investigative authority. All infractions are self-reported. It's like asking criminals to not only turn themselves in, but research the laws broken and act as their own prosecutors and jury. Little wonder the rules are so inconsistently applied.
Huh? The NCAA has a full enforcement staff and there is an infractions committee for each division. Nowhere near all infractions are self-reported. The enforcement staff investigates and "prosecutes." The committees, which are not made up of NCAA staff, determine what violations occurred and mete out punishment. You're way off
People forget the NCAA used to actually govern this sport and control media rights deals until Oklahoma and Georgia sued them, and the Supreme Court ruled in their favor. That ruling completely paved the way for what the sport has become.

One of the lawyers for OU recently said in an interview that they totally screwed up college football for all time, but they had no idea it would lead to this.

The funny thing to me is, now people are saying there needs to be some sort of governing body to help control all this conference realignment and out-of-control media deals and NIL and the transfer portal.

You mean, sort of like...the NCAA?
Just seems like the NCAA lost their way after the SMU deal. And now they have a hard time being relevant because all the payoffs that used to be illegal are now standard practice. So now they do really dumb, petty things.
Ncaa might have decided to get in on the perks rather than being a true governing body
help me understand, I never had a problem with the ncaa...I know Nebraska got in trouble for a ham sandwich, and buying some school books for poor players...
ok fine..whatever..playball..

but when I hear alot of teams fans they hate the NCAA with all their might...
baylor fan hates the ncaa that because the ncaa was picking on them? or because rape is bad?
the sec hates the that because the ncaa is picking on them? or because the sec cheated alot?
ohio state and usc hates the ncaa, is that because the ncaa was picking on them, or because they were cheating alot?

please make the reason for ncaa hate clear to me...
Some people hate any group that has a position of authority. With that said some of these organizations are very little short of the mafia. The money that these (NSAA included) organizations suck out of schools and fan bases is borderline criminal.... While at the same time not offering much in return.
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I am not defending the NCAA.

The reality is we really have no clue about the facts in most of the cases "we hear about". How could I say the NCAA is playing favorites if I do not know the facts, I mean actual facts that can be proven.

That said, I had a vendor contact me when I ran a school whose son was an NCAA attorney. He was one of the investigators in the USC mess with Pete Carroll. All the dad said was the son told him something to the affect it was more widespread and much worse than the public knew.

In this day and age, I am always dubious about what I hear/read until it is proven. That's just me though.
Mods. Arrest this man!
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The problem is that it is a voluntary organization with no investigative authority. All infractions are self-reported. It's like asking criminals to not only turn themselves in, but research the laws broken and act as their own prosecutors and jury. Little wonder the rules are so inconsistently applied.

Once schools realized that the NCAA is not anything but a bunch of guys with no real power, it all changed.

Shit, I can't wait for the first team that gets in trouble to just say "Nah, we are keeping all of our scholarships" or "Nah, we are still playing in a bowl game"
help me understand, I never had a problem with the ncaa...I know Nebraska got in trouble for a ham sandwich, and buying some school books for poor players...
ok fine..whatever..playball..

but when I hear alot of teams fans they hate the NCAA with all their might...
baylor fan hates the ncaa that because the ncaa was picking on them? or because rape is bad?
the sec hates the that because the ncaa is picking on them? or because the sec cheated alot?
ohio state and usc hates the ncaa, is that because the ncaa was picking on them, or because they were cheating alot?

please make the reason for ncaa hate clear to me...
It’s because they are largely a parasitic organization and incredibly inept at the same time. They’ve siphoned off so much cash that it is criminal. They are the UN of college athletics
For me, it's because of inconsistency in enforcing rules and letting dudes win women's sporting events.

When PSU covered up for a pedophile on their coaching staff for like 3 decades, they lost a few scholarships. Yet the NCAA gave SMU the death penalty for recruiting violations and even gave OSU grief over some players selling their team awards to get tats, which is so trivial compared to what pedophile state did.
For me, it's because of inconsistency in enforcing rules and letting dudes win women's sporting events.

When PSU covered up for a pedophile on their coaching staff for like 3 decades, they lost a few scholarships. Yet the NCAA gave SMU the death penalty for recruiting violations and even gave OSU grief over some players selling their team awards to get tats, which is so trivial compared to what pedophile state did.
I agree with your first sentence. The trans issue is another subject tje ncaa would get sued if they tried to stop it: The Penn state deal . Under there bylaws they had no authority to take the scholarships and vacated wins it was simply not a recruiting violation. Thats why they had to give Joe Pa his wins back. They fined the university that’s all the authority they had in that case.
the ncaa is a conglomeration of academics trying to regulate themselves. they have done so poorly while consuming hundreds of millions for their own benefit, not student-athletes or fans. mark emmert was paid $3.3 million annually to oversee the disastrous results.

their oversight has been so deficient that courts have had to step in and redefine their purpose. that's caused enormous chaos with nil, the transfer portal, and realignment. the latter has destroyed a power five conference and is likely to result in another dissolving at some point soon. and this says nothing for their previous near criminal failure to regulate crooks in recruiting at places like ku.

so fans look at the institution and wonder how it could have been if competence rather than maleficence were at play? hate is too strong a word though, loathing might be more appropriate.
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Huh? The NCAA has a full enforcement staff and there is an infractions committee for each division. Nowhere near all infractions are self-reported. The enforcement staff investigates and "prosecutes." The committees, which are not made up of NCAA staff, determine what violations occurred and mete out punishment. You're way off
They may have those divisions but they sure don't utilize them. The NCAA is a front in name only, it makes itself known and then disappears into obscurity when it is needed.

NIL and the Transfer Portal are classic examples. They make these rulings in favor of the student athlete, then when oversight is needed to keep them legit; poof, gone... Both of these programs have run amuck with greed and collusion and will be the downfall of college athletics. What should be an equalizer for coaches prostituting themselves out as cheap whores, has turned into a free for all for the under belly of the serpent... And the NCAA pulls a Kevin Bacon, All is well, All is well as the panicked crowd bowls him over.
When the headquarters were in kc they were actually decent but once they moved to Indy they are nothing more that a over bloat bureaucracy that makes more money off the student athlete than anyone
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