OT: Top Gear fans.....the run is over. Clarkson sacked.


Recruiting Coordinator
Aug 24, 2006
One of my favorite shows (and there are still plenty I haven't seen) will be ending soon. The producers say they will try and restructure the show around May and Hammond, but it won't be close to the same without Jeremy and probably won't last more than one season. Sounds like it wasn't his first outburst and since we are now in the Age of Don't-hurt-anyone's-feelings, it was bound to happen.

The guy threw a tantrum and physically attacked someone because he didn't get his steak dinner. I don't think the age of don't hurt anyones feelings had anything to do with this. Maybe his generation of entitlement boomers or the age of consequences maybe.
Sucks. Love watching the show. Clarkson is a dbag on the show and apparently in real life, but he was also pretty funny. I hope they find a way to make it work, Richard Hammond is probably my favorite from the show, though some of that is because he is generally more favorable toward America and American cars than the others.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Man Vs. Food guy was sacked before his latest show ever aired it's first episode because he suggested some of his fans who were giving him a hard time on twitter I believe take a warm bath with a razor??? Or something to that effect. Details are sketchy in my head, but it was something like that. Not sure where I fall on either case, but bottom line is TV shows don't play that game anymore and you know that going in.

I liked the American version of Top Gear more anyway. Those 3 dudes were hilarious and I miss that show.
Originally posted by litespeedhuskerfan:

Man Vs. Food guy was sacked before his latest show ever aired it's first episode because he suggested some of his fans who were giving him a hard time on twitter I believe take a warm bath with a razor??? Or something to that effect. Details are sketchy in my head, but it was something like that. Not sure where I fall on either case, but bottom line is TV shows don't play that game anymore and you know that going in.

I liked the American version of Top Gear more anyway. Those 3 dudes were hilarious and I miss that show.
Yeah but that case was BS. He posted a picture of himself celebrating his weightloss with the hashtag "thinspiration", and a bunch of butter trolls that will die from obesity before they're 35 pounced (I say pounced, but that's giving their ability to move out of their chairs too much credit) on him and started harassing him for being proud of himself. Finally after asking them to stop a bunch of times because they were being Tumblerites, he finally started harassing them back. Like he should.
Originally posted by gcadays99:

The guy threw a tantrum and physically attacked someone because he didn't get his steak dinner. I don't think the age of don't hurt anyones feelings had anything to do with this. Maybe his generation of entitlement boomers or the age of consequences maybe.
Ok, you're right on the physical part - crossed the line.......but just sad to see the show go.
I'll take some Fast N Loud.
Originally posted by litespeedhuskerfan:

Man Vs. Food guy was sacked before his latest show ever aired it's first episode because he suggested some of his fans who were giving him a hard time on twitter I believe take a warm bath with a razor??? Or something to that effect. Details are sketchy in my head, but it was something like that. Not sure where I fall on either case, but bottom line is TV shows don't play that game anymore and you know that going in.

I liked the American version of Top Gear more anyway. Those 3 dudes were hilarious and I miss that show.
The American version is/was aweful - mostly because I hate Rutledge.....what a tool. Somehow the British sense of humor does not translate when you Americanize it - their ideas suck to be funny with cars. Would Rutledge Wood every build a scale model space shuttle out of car that actually Top Gear version....I laughed about as hard as I ever shelf TV.
It is a good show - although I would not want to be friends with or do business with Mr Rollings. His version of being an a-hole does make for good TV.
Originally posted by Bugeater:

I'll take some Fast N Loud.